Different readings from 2 different meters

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have done a test tonight. I am currently using a One Touch Ultra Easy monitor and have been since diagnosed. I asked for and received a free Accu Check Aviva Nano in the post the other week. My meal tonight was cheese on toast and i tested 2 hours post-meal on both meters with the same drop of blood. My One Touch Ultra read as 9.0 and my Aviva Nano at 7.4 - WHY? :(
ahahahaha carina, meters can have up to 20% inaccuracy either way. so 20% on 9.0 is 7.2 or 10.8, and on 7.4 is 5.9ish or 9.9ish. there was big uproar on the internet about this. the FDA basically said that because most diabetics are type 2, it's okay for meters to be inaccurate because type 2's don't need accurate readings.

see mine or sam's blog for big rants about this.
So out of all the meters you can have, which one claims to be the most accurate? :confused:
I have the contour USB too and it's GREAT!!! It only needs a tiny blood sample and it's really quick. The software is OK and shows me that I'm keeping reasonable control (85% on target levels). It's made me a bit lazy as I no longer write down my levels so don't keep a record of the insulin I take any more (although it's more or less the same amount each day) - I could do with a meter that let's you enter the insulin you take (and maybe even the carbs too!).

I have the contour USB too and it's GREAT!!! It only needs a tiny blood sample and it's really quick. The software is OK and shows me that I'm keeping reasonable control (85% on target levels). It's made me a bit lazy as I no longer write down my levels so don't keep a record of the insulin I take any more (although it's more or less the same amount each day) - I could do with a meter that let's you enter the insulin you take (and maybe even the carbs too!).


the onetouch ultrasmart lets you do that. However, its a huge and bulky thing...not very sexy lol
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