Different pumps

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi guys,

My DSN was talking me through pumps and which they have on offer. She spoke about:

- Animas
- Accu-Chek (which I have the Expert glucose meter already), and
- Metronic

She mentioned most PCTs only offer the basic Metronic meter, but she has had people get the more advanced model.

She also mentioned Cellnovo pump http://www.cellnovo.com/cellnovo-pump.aspx which is much smaller, and apparently coming out May-time at the 'right' funding level.

I love the gadgets with it, and how small it is, but not sure how I feel about having the whole thing attached to me...

Any one else got any thoughts?
Hi guys,

My DSN was talking me through pumps and which they have on offer. She spoke about:

- Animas
- Accu-Chek (which I have the Expert glucose meter already), and
- Metronic

She mentioned most PCTs only offer the basic Metronic meter, but she has had people get the more advanced model.

She also mentioned Cellnovo pump http://www.cellnovo.com/cellnovo-pump.aspx which is much smaller, and apparently coming out May-time at the 'right' funding level.

I love the gadgets with it, and how small it is, but not sure how I feel about having the whole thing attached to me...

Any one else got any thoughts?

Very personal thing Katie, I only 'know' my accu chek spirit combo so don't really know the other options. I like my pump but can't help but think in 2012 it could be a bit more scientific. Personally I would go for the latest model available...they are probably getting more sophisticated every year.
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Hi Katie,
Which ever pump you have you will love. Simple reason being you know no different :D
I have an Animas, I will be as polite as I can about it.......... I dislike it intensely. 😡
Reason being my previous pump was 100% better than the Animas.
I know some one who had the Animas for 4 years then trialed the combo. he refused to give it back as liked it so much.
Someone else I know had an Animas then went to the combo and hates it so much she is going to fund her own Animas :D

So best solution is to ask to see all the different pumps available and have a hands on session with them all. :D
I like my Medtronic, but as people have said its what you are used 2 ! It can be used in basic mode or when you get to programs, duel/wave etc. Blood meter talks to it & is as tech as you want it ! Good luck with picking 🙂
We are very pleased with the Medtronic pump, it does the job, but again we don't know any different and didn't get a choice.
I think the prob with the Cellnovo might be the same as the Omnipod, eg walking into doors and ripping it off, and I know with that if you have a 'pod' failure for any reason, then you can't get the insulin in it back. So I'd want to know whether it's the same with the Cellnovo? Nothing more frustrating than to have one just filled it up then have to do it again - but then mine last well over a week so I spose I'm biassed against two many refills? LOL
Hi Katie,

Again I'm biased but I love my Medtronic. I choose it (older version now) because it was the smallest and most streamlined looking to me at the time. Also, the aftercare from Medtronic I've found to be amazingly good. I've broken (accidently) many a pump and I've always had a replacement within 24 hours.


I got to try out all three and chose the Animas Vibe and love it. If I had to go with the 2020 (older version) then the only factor I would find annoying is setting the bolus dose, it's much quicker on the Vibe.

Whichever you go with it will help you overcome the current problems, so I don't believe you can make a bad choice.

It comes down to what is important to you.
Thanks everyone 🙂 really appreciate all your feedback as always.

Maybe what's making it harder (in a nice way) is at the moment my DSN is asking me which I'd prefer (which sounds like I should be very grateful for as it seems most of you weren't given a choice).

It doesn't necessarily mean I'll get what I might choose, as my DSN is waiting to hear back from the PCT Diabetes nurse to see what pumps they fund (as may be different to my Diabetes team's PCT.)

Will see what they say!!
Am I right in thinking the Aminas is the only pump currently specified as 'waterproof' rather than splashproof/water resistant Sofaraway?

That might have a bearing for some people.
Am I right in thinking the Aminas is the only pump currently specified as 'waterproof' rather than splashproof/water resistant Sofaraway?

That might have a bearing for some people.

Yeah thats right.

I wouldn't swim or bathe with it though, it's nice to have some time not being attached. But if people are spending hours in the water or kayaking, then it might be a consideration for them
The doctor I've seen today suggested that the costs with pumps are the 'consumables', not the pump itsef, and they are all very similar apparently. Anyone else heard that? (and yes, looks like I'm being considered for a pump too!)
I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear that, I see the prices of all my stuff.

2 boxes, each of 10 cannulas, one with tubing and one without. " days each, so I need 9 x that pa. 137.70 ex VAT, ?1,240 + VAT pa.

1 box x 5 Reservoirs. 9.35 x 6 pa, ?56 +VAT (many people would use more, my TDD is only about 20/25u)

Service Pack, 39.10 x approx 3, ?117 + VAT.

?1,413 pa + 20% VAT = ?1,696.

(no idea whether they can reclaim the VAT or not)

Life of pump - 4 years, ?6,784.

If a pump costs ?3k +/- that's ?10,000 over it's life, or ?2,500 a year.
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