Different GP practice

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Much missed Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've changed GP practice. Put the form in week ago last Friday. Got to see the diabetic nurse (practice nurse, had been Diabetic Specialist Nurse before) last Friday. I'm optimistic. Of course we didn't have time for everything.
I think she'd have been less supportive of self testing. Except I'd already said about needing to know what was going on (results to tests), and had turned up with a meter. I said about not knowing meant being scared (worried about what you're BG is doing she replied). She did say it was no good just knowing the figures.
I've got an appointment in two weeks and hopefully she'll help with getting blood from my fingers and what else to do.
All sounds positive. Figures crossed you get good service all round at this surgery.
Oh, the meter is a SD Code Free and I've had it a week. I've to figure out how to get blood out of my fingers now.
Hi. Remove the cap on the lancing devise push in a lancet remove its safety cap, put cap back on devise and choose a comfort setting, you will find the settings that suit you best. Choose your victim (finger) and prick the side of the pad not the tip of the finger, you then gently squeeze some blood out and apply to o the test strip that's already in the meter. If at first you don't succeed try again with a different victim . It's best to wash hands first but it's not always convenient to so. It's also best to use a different finger each time. I tend to use both sides of the pads as well.
Hope this helps
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I too hope you get good support from your new practice
Thanks Lcj
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