Different BG results

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi, can anyone tell me why when my son pricks his finger about 3 times he gets a different result and which one he should go with as it's causing him extreme anxiety not knowing which one to believe!
That’s normal @mummyange If he pricks more than once, then he should go with the average. Really, unless he thinks he’s had a false result, once is enough usually.
Some time ago I tested all 10 digits one after another to find out how reproducible finger prick readings were and reported the results here:

I came to the conclusion that the number after the decimal point was a bit of an illusion and it was best to round the reading to the nearest whole number and then not be surprised if a second reading was one or two units higher or lower. Do your son's results fit that pattern?

Blood glucose monitors are brilliant bits of kit and to me it is a miracle that they can even get close to giving a blood glucose measurement but it is important to realise that they are subject to error.
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Metters have a allowance of being withen 15%. I would only prick a second time If the Frist one didn't make sense to check it was a flatuly test strip..
Hi, can anyone tell me why when my son pricks his finger about 3 times he gets a different result and which one he should go with as it's causing him extreme anxiety not knowing which one to believe!
If I get an unexpectedly higher or lower result that usual I always switch hands and do a second test, and if it's similar I just take the average. If there's a big difference I'll do a third test and average the two that are closest, but as @Docb says you could test all six fingers and get a different result for each one.
Hi, can anyone tell me why when my son pricks his finger about 3 times he gets a different result and which one he should go with as it's causing him extreme anxiety not knowing which one to believe!
Can I ask what is the difference just because on pens. I'm wouldn't do any different for a 7.5 then I would for a 6.5 for instance.
Sorry to hear this is causing him so much anxiety @mummyange :(

It’s a common frustration - and as @Docb says, it’s not really helped by the apparent decimal point accuracy of values.

Some meters perform more consistently and repeatably than others from strip to strip, but under the guidelines a degree of variation is still permitted.

This from the ‘Useful Links’ page (Newbie’s section) shows the allowed upper and lower limits from a variety of glucose values…

BG meter accuracy
It can be quite disconcerting for members new to self monitoring of blood glucose to get different results from BG readings taken close together, even when carefully following manufacturers guidance (washing hands etc). All meters for sale in the UK should comply with the following ISO standards 95% of the time, which allows a degree of variation (and 5% of results can read anything at all). If in any doubt, or if a reading doesn’t match how you are feeling, you should check again with a fresh strip.

Permitted blood glucose meter variation, upper and lower bounds, from range of BG results
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