Different basal requirements for night and day

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Does anyone have any suggestions as I am struggling with my basal. Since the new year I have kept a log of doses and BG levels. The first week I took 10 units lantus every night, had good BG levels every morning but hypos every day at random time. The second week I took 9 units lantus and have been at about 9 every morning, but good readings through the rest of the day.

So I feel like I need more lantus at night but less in the day. Would switching to Levemir help, as I understand that you take that twice a day, 12 hours apart?

Or would changing the time of Lantus help? I take it at night at the moment. I've got a clinic appt on 2nd Feb, so will ask for help then, but I thought someone might have experienced the same thing.
I've just switched from a split dose of Levemir to a single dose of Lantus in the past couple of weeks and all is going well - so far (famous last words!).

I never had different morning and night doses, as really the second dose is to account for the 18 hour life of Levemir compared to the 24 hour life of Lantus. But I know some people do effectively split the dose to overcome morning fasting levels and daytime hypos.

It was also suggested to me that if I wished I could split the dose of Lantus, but I wasn't really sure why I'd want to as there would always be the residual insulin in my system if it does indeed last for 24 hours.

Sorry not to be able to offer you any specific advice.

Certainly something you should discuss with your nurse when you see her in a couple of weeks time to look at the merits of both options.
HI, I've been having the same problem for a while, and split my dose of Lantus, 50/50 at first. Previously, I was taking my basal dose in the mornings. Contacted my DSN who suggetsted a 60 an 40 pm split for me, and p[ossible changing to Levemir (I didn't realise there was difference until now!). My problem was, I kept forgetting evening dose, so went back to single dose. Since Christmas am trying splitting dose again, but still getiing some high morning readings. 😡 I'd be interested to hear how you get on - good luck!
Well, I had my clinic appointment on Tuesday and my HbA1c was up to 7.8% rather than 7.1 in August, which I kind of expected as I'd played safe on the Lantus to avoid hypos. So I showed the consultant my charts of BG readings and we decided that I'd try Levemir til my next appointment in April. So I started taking 5 at night and by in the morning, but I've had lots of hypos the last 2 mornings so I'm going to try 4 tomorrow.

I'm feeling quite optimistic at the moment, as it'll be good to be able to take half units since Levemir uses a Novopen, and it'll be better on days when I'm going to exercise so that I don't have to wake up high to avoid going hypo after running later on. So it's back to the BG log til I get my doses sorted out.
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