Dieting for two weeks stopped my diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Another story that misleadingly suggests that two weeks on an extreme diet 'cures' diabetes. Lster in the article it says he is still on glimepride, so not cured at all, simply on a low-carb, low GI diet 🙄

Like many diabetics, Paul Dolby?s consultant was keen for him to lose weight, in order to gain better control of his condition.
In June, he was 15st 3lb and at 5 ft 10 in, officially obese. The goal was for him to shed a stone by Christmas.
But Paul hasn?t just achieved this ? he?s shed 2 st 4 lb.
Not only this, but his diabetes has improved so much that he no longer needs to inject himself with insulin twice a day and is on minimal medication to control his condition.
They shouldn't be able to print articles like this that are so misleading :(
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