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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi ive told to go on strict low carb diet as my hbca1 reading had gone from 62 to 71 in 3 months im on 4 40 gramme gliclazide tablets a day but he said there not getting chance to work properley due to mu carb intake i admit i lost control of my diet anyhow for the last week ive been eating fish and eggs and getting fed up any good ideas ive cut potatoes and bread out completly and i dont drinking any beer now ive already noticed my pin prick levels are improving so just need some help about what i can eat thanks
Low carb means you can eat just about anything other than the high carb foods, though avoiding low fat versions of things seems to be a good idea for some.
I eat any meat, fish, eggs, cheese and dairy and add in low carb veges - stir fry, mushrooms and frozen berries seem to be enough for variation and flavours.
I like swede, which I mash after pressure cooking. I do the whole thing and then there is enough for frying with bacon next day - 'bubble and squeal' having had a couple of eggs beaten in, or it is good with eggs and cheese mixed in, put into a dish and cheese on top then into the oven. I have a fairly shallow oval dish which is used that way almost exclusively, the other option is cauliflower cheese.
I have made low carb bread and it was quite good, but after a while tastes change and I'm not all that bothered. I managed to get some of the Lidl low carb bread, but there is at least half of it still in the freezer.
hi ive told to go on strict low carb diet as my hbca1 reading had gone from 62 to 71 in 3 months im on 4 40 gramme gliclazide tablets a day but he said there not getting chance to work properley due to mu carb intake i admit i lost control of my diet anyhow for the last week ive been eating fish and eggs and getting fed up any good ideas ive cut potatoes and bread out completly and i dont drinking any beer now ive already noticed my pin prick levels are improving so just need some help about what i can eat thanks
You have to be a bit careful going too low on carbs as you are taking gliclazide which has the potential to cause low blood glucose but as you have a monitor you can keep a good eye out for that.
The doctor is right in saying that unless you reduce your carbohydrates the medication will not be successful as meds can only do so much. Taking the gliclazide 30 mins before you eat then gives it a chance to work by encouraging your pancreas to produce more insulin to cope with the carbs in your meal.
Doing some strategic testing of before you eat and after 2 hours will help you see which meals are OK and which are not so good.
Basing meals on meat, fish, eggs, cheese, dairy, nuts with lots of vegetables and salads and fruit like berries. There is no reason why you can't have filling tasty options.
I found the principals in this link was successful, there are some meal plans and recipes as well as some do's and don'ts.
Low carb is suggested as being no more than 130g carbs per day as being a good starting point, it is not NO carbs.
hi mate yes i didnt know about cheese i miss bread the most and mash i alresdy had a small hypo the 3rd night id still been drinking id had half bottle of red felt notoo bad but about 3 am woke up with a sweat and palpatatoins anyhow since then havnt drank where as before i started my diet and stopped drinking and tabs ive had 2 days where my pin prick readings have all been below double figures 10 to 14 and last 2 days morning is usualy about 6.5 to 7 and later ones about 5 to 6 son the wright track but its hard work but be worth it
@hammy1 yes, you are right 'it's hard work, BUT WORTH IT'

Keep on keeping on !!!

Success isn't given, it's earned!!! Well, not normally.
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