Diet success

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,
2 weeks ago I started the 800 diet. I wont go into detail as Im sure you've heard of it. My BMs were regularly in the high teens even though I take 1000mg metformin twice a day and also sitagliptin in the mornings. I have NOT done any exercise at all as I wanted to see what impact each factor made. My BMs are now consistently under 6.9.
I wanted to share this as Im gobsmacked and wanted to say that as a junk food addict and a drinker......There is hope for us all.
Give it a try. I feel great!
That’s amazing. I tried it recently but didn’t last the first day as I felt too ill by the evening, but maybe that passes when you get used to it. Are you doing it with shakes?
Well done that is amazing keep it up
Hi all,
2 weeks ago I started the 800 diet. I wont go into detail as Im sure you've heard of it. My BMs were regularly in the high teens even though I take 1000mg metformin twice a day and also sitagliptin in the mornings. I have NOT done any exercise at all as I wanted to see what impact each factor made. My BMs are now consistently under 6.9.
I wanted to share this as Im gobsmacked and wanted to say that as a junk food addict and a drinker......There is hope for us all.
Give it a try. I feel great!
I reversed my diabetes that way.
Yep, spot on - keep up the great work! - I too have done the same recently 😉
That’s amazing. I tried it recently but didn’t last the first day as I felt too ill by the evening, but maybe that passes when you get used to it. Are you doing it with shakes?
Have you done very low calorie diets in the past?
I was pushed to eat low calorie on many occasions and I got to the state where I would turn grey and fainting at the first hint of fasting. It is not like that now as I get further from diagnosis and the years of low carb eating mount up, but I can't really see any benefit in doing a Newcastle type diet as there would not be much benefit - though if I am made aware of an increased Hba1c I might try it and see what happens.
I did get a higher Hba1c some time ago, but it might have been down to Covid and I was not told about it until after it had gone away again.
Have you done very low calorie diets in the past?
I was pushed to eat low calorie on many occasions and I got to the state where I would turn grey and fainting at the first hint of fasting. It is not like that now as I get further from diagnosis and the years of low carb eating mount up, but I can't really see any benefit in doing a Newcastle type diet as there would not be much benefit - though if I am made aware of an increased Hba1c I might try it and see what happens.
I did get a higher Hba1c some time ago, but it might have been down to Covid and I was not told about it until after it had gone away again.
...Low Calorie diet worked just perfect for me....
That’s amazing. I tried it recently but didn’t last the first day as I felt too ill by the evening, but maybe that passes when you get used to it. Are you doing it with shakes?
I did it with the shakes - Not easy to start with, but the more weight you lose keeps you going, and after a week or two it becomes easier - if nothing else the momentum to keep losing weight kept me going 😉
...Low Calorie diet worked just perfect for me....
Ah it never did for me - mostly because I couldn't survive with the falling to the floor and confusion it caused.
My GPs have always been resistant to the idea that I was telling them the truth and pushed low calorie again and again - sometimes to the extent that I was banned from going onto the factory floor in case I was injured or killed.
It's all about what works for you in the end - there's plenty of threads in the Weight Loss Goup (including mine) finding success with Low Calorie, others with low carb, Keto etc.

For me now though after having 12 weeks of shakes, resetting my whole tinking around food, I can now eat pretty much anything I like by making sensible choices and being mindful of the Calories - Food doesn't scare me anymore...
It's all about what works for you in the end - there's plenty of threads in the Weight Loss Goup (including mine) finding success with Low Calorie, others with low carb, Keto etc.

For me now though after having 12 weeks of shakes, resetting my whole tinking around food, I can now eat pretty much anything I like by making sensible choices and being mindful of the Calories - Food doesn't scare me anymore...
Having a period of not having to think about food and just sticking to shakes and veg definitely appeals, but it really is hard. I’m impressed you managed to stick to it for 12 weeks, that takes quite some willpower!
Having a period of not having to think about food and just sticking to shakes and veg definitely appeals, but it really is hard. I’m impressed you managed to stick to it for 12 weeks, that takes quite some willpower!
The first couple of days are the hardest, after that it gets better.
The first couple of days are the hardest, after that it gets better.
Sounds like it’s important to pick the right timing to start it then, days when you’re busy but not likely to be around temptation
Sounds like it’s important to pick the right timing to start it then, days when you’re busy but not likely to be around temptation
To be honest, you have to be in the right frame of mind more than anything - it's a 'lifestyle change' forever - it's not a quick fix and you have to continue to be mindful even when the weight is lost

I have Roy Taylor's Book - Life Without Diabetes' in a permanent prominent postion where I see it every day - it reminds me why I did what I did and to (hopefully) keep going for a better, fitter, fuller life!

It's not easy and it does take determination, but the benefits are incredible!

Step on the train, you'll find some incredible inspiration all over these forums, some days will be better than others, but it's definatley worth it in the long run 😉
That’s amazing. I tried it recently but didn’t last the first day as I felt too ill by the evening, but maybe that passes when you get used to it. Are you doing it with shakes?
Sorry for the late reply.
No shakes involved just zero carb and high fat. I felt crap the first night but it soon improved. Still eating very tasty food
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