Diet Drinks

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I NEVER even noticed a problem with the supply of diet drinks in restaurants and things, as I only ever usually drink diet coke/pepsi or water if I eat out. Util I read up on the didka campaign. Now I seem to notice it everywhere! Yesterday as I was in KFC with a friend, I went and ordered a diet pepsi, and when he gave it me and I'd drank a few sips, I realised it had sugar in it, so I took it back and said that I'd asked for diet, to which he replied,
'Does it really matter?'. I mean, come on?! Does it really matter?! I think so many people just accsosciate (sp) diet drinks with people actually on a diet, and that a sugary drink here or there won't make any difference. I informed him that yes actually, it DOES matter, I'm diabetic. There wasn't even an apology! I was actually REALLY annoyed.
I NEVER even noticed a problem with the supply of diet drinks in restaurants and things, as I only ever usually drink diet coke/pepsi or water if I eat out. Util I read up on the didka campaign. Now I seem to notice it everywhere! Yesterday as I was in KFC with a friend, I went and ordered a diet pepsi, and when he gave it me and I'd drank a few sips, I realised it had sugar in it, so I took it back and said that I'd asked for diet, to which he replied,
'Does it really matter?'. I mean, come on?! Does it really matter?! I think so many people just accsosciate (sp) diet drinks with people actually on a diet, and that a sugary drink here or there won't make any difference. I informed him that yes actually, it DOES matter, I'm diabetic. There wasn't even an apology! I was actually REALLY annoyed.

unfortunately KFC do this ALOT. They find it funny to give out the wrong drinks and even worse, swop the tubes around 😡 when i worked there, i discovered they had been swapped, and ended up having a right go at the manager. But did it work? No it didn't. It's probably the reason i never got my job back there, but i wouldn't want to work for a company that deliberately does such a thing anyway.

When I discovered the tubing had been swopped, it was because a young diabetic girl had gotten real coke instead of diet. She was in bits because her levels were so high. The company could have gotten into a lot of trouble for this - and they refused to pay me for teh time i spent helping the young lady 😡
unfortunately KFC do this ALOT. They find it funny to give out the wrong drinks and even worse, swop the tubes around 😡 when i worked there, i discovered they had been swapped, and ended up having a right go at the manager. But did it work? No it didn't. It's probably the reason i never got my job back there, but i wouldn't want to work for a company that deliberately does such a thing anyway.

When I discovered the tubing had been swopped, it was because a young diabetic girl had gotten real coke instead of diet. She was in bits because her levels were so high. The company could have gotten into a lot of trouble for this - and they refused to pay me for teh time i spent helping the young lady 😡

That's AWFUL!! Don't think I'll be going in there again!
We were in Pizza Express today and my son R ordered diet coke - the waiter brought ordinary coke. I pointed it out and he did change it but also gave me an odd look...until he saw R injecting insulin.
It's never happened before and we're less than three weeks into diabetic life.
i hate buying fast food and asking for the nutritional info and diet drinks. the person behind the counter giving you that look thats says "you've just ordered a burger and large fries whats the point in giving you a diet coke, fatty." i was in a branch of mcdonalds recently where they did not have the info to hand and made it clear to me that printing it off the computer for me would be a lot of hassle for them did i really need it. i'm not embarrased by my diabetes but at the same time don't feel the need to justify myself and reveal personal medical details to this stranger.
We should call for a boycot of all KFC's by diabetics for their irresponsible attitude to dispensing the wrong drinks. The management are as much to blame as the rest of the staff if they think it is ok to swap the hoses on the pumps around.

Maybe they might take it seriously one day when they end up in court with a lawsuit against them.
although i completely agree that kfc's attitude towards us is dispicable i just can't imagine life without the hot wings
although i completely agree that kfc's attitude towards us is dispicable i just can't imagine life without the hot wings

trust me, I've worked in KFC and I know EXACTLY the sort of trashy, dirty kitchens those hot wings come from
my boyfriend worked in mcdonalds for 3 years so i know all the horror stories
my boyfriend worked in mcdonalds for 3 years so i know all the horror stories

lol, worked there for 5 for my sins 😉 KFC is muuuuch worse! 😱 I have to say, in the past few years mcdonalds kitchens have gotten much, much cleaner - at least they implement clean as you go. KFC however, never clean out their vats and I have seen them pick food up off the floor and serve it. It's why I can't ever eat there...well, the one where i live anyway lol
i put my fingers in my ears when the stories are being told cos i'm a believer in what i don't know can't hurt me. having said that i lived with diabetes for weeks without knowing so maybe that theory is a little bit off
We should call for a boycot of all KFC's by diabetics for their irresponsible attitude to dispensing the wrong drinks. The management are as much to blame as the rest of the staff if they think it is ok to swap the hoses on the pumps around.

Maybe they might take it seriously one day when they end up in court with a lawsuit against them.

I think the problem is that so many teens work there so probably just down to being immature... if it wasnt the juice it would be something else they were tampering with..... makes you wonder whats in there sauce etc now lol 😱
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