Diet Coke Again ? BG 21.3!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
In the middle of last week I had a few days when for no apparent reason my BG yo-yo’ed. Anyway it was all settled until yesterday lunchtime. As I was out with a friend and we did not have much time for lunch we popped into a burger chain. We had the meal deal of burger, fries and a drink – Diet Coke. A few hours later my BG had shot from 5.5 to 21.3 and I was feeling a bit rough. Having eaten nothing else my only thoughts were than I had not been given Diet Coke again! Unfortunately I did not have my Diastix on me so I feel it inappropriate to “name and shame” the chain and branch! I am starting to think this is something for “weights and measures” to take up. Mind you I know a busy pub (in London) that frequently gives short measures and they are never taken to task! Grrr!
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Gutted................I am assuming you didnt take insulin for this meal.......??

If yes, how much.....?? Can you not taste the difference between diet and full sugar..........?
Gutted................I am assuming you didnt take insulin for this meal.......??

If yes, how much.....?? Can you not taste the difference between diet and full sugar..........?

Incorrect, I took my normal dose of insulin which is why I assume I was not given diet coke. Sometimes I can taste the difference but with some of the pumped ones it is not always that easy!
Incorrect, I took my normal dose of insulin which is why I assume I was not given diet coke. Sometimes I can taste the difference but with some of the pumped ones it is not always that easy!

You are probably right then.........I would estimate the meal between 80-100g of that close to your calculation?
Their nutrition sheet came up with 65g (I only ate half the fries). A normal coke would nearly double that!
You wont be going back there then!!!!!

If I am out getting a burger, usually McDonalds, Large fries and quarter pounder comes to 100g (60 fries, 40 burger), think I am just a wee bit greedy though........🙂
I can use my Contour USB to check if a drink is diet or not - I get 'les than 0.6mmol/l' if it is diet, and usually over 3 if it isn't - might be worth seeing if you can do that with yours? Not great wasting a strip, but better than finding out the hard way!
Had a largeish portion of pasta for lunch with a can of diet coke. Two hours later BG 8.4 - not to bad considering portion size but should be better!
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