DiDkA pledge

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi guys.

In a few DiDkA related threads, we've mentioned the DiDkA Pledge, so we thought we'd post up our current version, so you could see what the heck we were talking about! :D

Retailers signing the DiDkA Pledge agree to be aware of the dangers that full sugar drinks can cause, when incorrectly served. In doing this, they will be provided with relevant educational information from DiDkA, to enable to them to make reasonable and appropriate changes to ensure that diet drinks are served correctly, and educate members of staff in a similar fashion.

Reasonable changes might include:

  • Displaying a sign at point of service to remind staff to double check which button on the dispenser they are pushing, should a pump dispenser be on site

  • Making it policy to repeat a customer's order back to them

Retailers also agree to never engage in the highly dangerous practice of switching full-sugar and regular pipes on pump dispensers for 'entertainment' of the serving staff, or purposely serving the incorrect drink. They agree to discipline any member of staff found to knowingly do so, in a manner deemed appropriate by the management.

Where possible, retailers agree to stock the widest variety of diet and low sugar drinks, both still and carbonated, that is appropriate to their establishment.

Whilst retailers will take steps to ensure that diet drinks can be purchased in confidence, DiDkA understands that occasional mistakes are unavoidable. With this in mind, retailers agree to:

  • Always offer a hassle-free exchange, should a customer question their order
  • Be willing to undergo 'spot checks' from DiDkA volunteers every 6-12 months, to make sure that a randomly bought drink either tests as diet or is dealt with appropriately, should a regular drink accidentally be served
SOunds great! Anything I can do, lemme know...
great stuff becky now please have a weekend off XXXX
Sounds great Becky but I second Amanda. Rest - weekend - a must!
I third what those 2 have said, you are ordered to have a great weekend with your folks and chill out

p/s excellent sounding pledge hun xx
Hiya Becky and Amanda,

Great pledge!

Sorry I havent helped out as yet- I havent had a chance to get going on my task as yet! I promise I havent forgotten though xx
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