Dident get to see nurse

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
well after my post the other day about not getting it right. I was going to see the nurse today. But they phoned to say she was not going to be there. But Icould see the Doctor if Iwanted to so I am going tomrow. Bloods still high 12.1 13.2 10.6 8.9 on Tuesday but yesterday they were ok 7.9 6.8 4.9 7.5 but then today back up 15.4 16.8 15.8 even with corections. Ijust dont feel well realy dizzy. So I will let you know what is said tomrow thanks for your help the other day:(
Good luck with your appointment. It's a pain when levels are all over the place. I get so cross when mine are like that. Hope you soon feel better.x
Thanks Flutterby dont know whats wrong but havent been well for a few weeks and with the ups and down its making me feel worse. Hope I can get some answers to whats making me go like that and why Iam so dizzy. Iwill let you know tomrow thanks.
They are up and down arent they , hope you get it sorted tomorrow and start to feel better soon 🙂
Hi granma sorry to hear you were messed about today, talk about a rollercoaster those numbers are up and down , good luck for tomorrow x hope something is sorted for you
Thanks Steffie yes they are up and down just done a test at 5.30 and now its 3.2 this is driving me mad. But even though its gone down that much Ifeel better than I did this morning. I had to go to bed this afternoon I was that dizzy. Ill see if the Doctor has any answers tomrow.
Hi Grandma

are you tailoring your insulin dose to what you are eating, or are you on a set dose for a meal and then just eating what you fancy ?

I am just wondering as sometimes the DSNs will have you on a set dose which does not take into account that some days your meals have few carbs and other days they have less.

The other think is getting stressed will increase your blood sugars too, so although its not easy try not to panic. (As I said easier to say than to do)
Well I have see the Doctor today and she said that because my control was better before I went on the Dafne, and they had told me to put my BI Isulin down from 20 to 14 then I shud but it back up to what it was before and to lower the QA to CPs down to 1 or 1.5, and go back to see her next week. As I have altered my QA to CPs that much and I am having a lot more QAs than I was she said this might get me back to feeling O.K agen.Ill let you know how I get on then. And yes Margie Iam tailoring my insulin to what I am eating, but I wasent before. Thanks
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