I'm hopefully getting my pump ( a Medtronic 640G) in early October, dates to be confirmed with the rep. Would you recommened taking time off work when I start? I had 3 days off sick when first diagnosed with diabetes 10 years ago, which seemed sensible at the time as there were a lot of sleepless nights and random hypos etc. A few years later I changed to levemir and I remember having some horrible days at work with multiple hypos as I tried to get the levels right. Bit worried starting the pump will be like those times all over again and I'd be better being off work? Don't really want to take sick leave (only those 3 days off for diabetes in 10 years!) but I can afford a week of annual leave... might not go down too well bearing in mind I already have a 2 week holiday in Sept, but I'm sure I could take it. What did anyone else do?