Did a super bolus today for the first time...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It worked! 🙂 Bearing in mind lunch used to cause a spike of about 10 mmol on MDI, which I got a bit better by bolussing 30 mins before lunch where possible, I was keen to try super-bolussing that I'd read about.

So today I added 1.15u onto my lunchtime dose and reduced to a 10% basal for the next 3 hours (the other 90% x 3 =1.15u) and hey presto I only went up about 3mmol. Think I'll be doing that again!
Very useful in particular circumstances - pleased it worked out so well for you.

I sometimes use them to kickstart corrections too.
Oooh - something I've never thought about for me - I know Winni used it a number of times during her pregnancies (over on DSF)
Pumps are so adaptable when you get used to them 🙂 Well done 😎
Interested to see what the result is next time.....
Does this work if your basal rate is quite low? Even if I borrowed the full basal for the next four hours at most times of day this would be less than 1.5 units.
Be less than 1u for me at times = 3.333g of carb in bolus terms, or enough to drop my BG by a whole 1.0 on a meter ....... in a matter of about 2-3 hours! LOL
Does this work if your basal rate is quite low? Even if I borrowed the full basal for the next four hours at most times of day this would be less than 1.5 units.

Sometimes for me the 'maths' in diabetes seems to matter less than the general push and pull of various factors on my BG. So while I can academically think that x units of insulin should have y numerical effect on BG, it often works out more that I need to increase the 'pull' of insulin against BG rise over the next few hours. The precise 1u = 10g carb = 3mmol/L seems to be for other people! My diabetes frequently refuses to obey those rules and will gleefully overshoot (or completely ignore) the alleged effect of however units of insulin I might have on board, or be considering adding. 😛
I'm remarkably boring in all that jazz Mike and though it's much against my general attitude - I'm mighty pleased that I am boring in that!
Does this work if your basal rate is quite low? Even if I borrowed the full basal for the next four hours at most times of day this would be less than 1.5 units.
I'm only on small amounts too, but it seemed to work fine. After lunch I'm on 0.425U/hr so 90% of this is 0.383, so over 3 hours that's 1.15U. SO I added that onto the lunch bolus and did a 10% TBR for the next 3 hours. Worked well again today, in fact it's been my first day fully in single figures, so far!
Sometimes for me the 'maths' in diabetes seems to matter less than the general push and pull of various factors on my BG. So while I can academically think that x units of insulin should have y numerical effect on BG, it often works out more that I need to increase the 'pull' of insulin against BG rise over the next few hours. The precise 1u = 10g carb = 3mmol/L seems to be for other people! My diabetes frequently refuses to obey those rules and will gleefully overshoot (or completely ignore) the alleged effect of however units of insulin I might have on board, or be considering adding. 😛
I am very much like that. Ratios are great most of the time, but for dinner I pretty much always need a minimum of 3-4units, plus extra for pudding or chocolate. Even with very low carb foods.
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