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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Every so often maybe fortnightly I suffer from a bout of Diarrhea or urgency to go to the loo.
I have been on Metformin for about 6 months though don`t feel its related to my medication anyone else suffer and know the cause any help woul be appreciated.
A significant change in bowel habits, which seems to be what you are describing, is a reason to see you GP. It's worth thinking if episodes are related any other changes eg food (take away curry or arrival of veg box, for example), exercise, use of sauna etc - could be anything or nothing - but still worth bringing to attention of your GP.
hi mike

ive been on metformin since feb , i get bouts about twice a week and very gassy burps as well, the other half cant stand to be near me . I put it down to when i have a treat and the body dont like it , ive cleaned up my act loads since been diagnosed in feb and the body got used to no crap going (from loads of rubbish to barely none), but when i do delve into the dark side and misbehave i do tend to regret it .
Cheers Stef I suppose its trial and error re diet ect..It sems to hit me suddenly sweat turn grey looking and need the loo don`t lat long but I feel awful at the time.
Cheers Stef I suppose its trial and error re diet ect..It sems to hit me suddenly sweat turn grey looking and need the loo don`t lat long but I feel awful at the time.

yup sweating forehead then once im in there ill be fine within 5 mins
Will be having a few drinks tonight to see in the new year,may regret that tommorow too !
I get bouts where my tummy is out. Lasts a couple of hours and is repeated over a few days then nothing for a couple of days. I talked to the nurse who said it sounded like IBS andif it became too much of a problem see the doctor. I was in the middle of one of these episodes when I saw the doctor and he didn't believe me. This has happened for a very long time with me and is one of the reasons I gave up coffee-it has improved now I only have coffee infrequently.

It seems to fall into a pattern. If I have too much sweet stuff or too many carbs it plays havoc with my tummy. If you are wprried, be persistent with your doctor.
I think mne seems similar to yours Caroline,glad i`m not alone with this and the onset seems very quick.
Yes, i'm on Metformin and still get random outbreaks of dodgy tum every so now and again. Although it might just be either my or the hospital canteen's cooking....

If you're not already doing so, i'd recommend taking your tablets straight after your meal, rather than before. That seems to help me.
Since posting my reply I have been keeping an eye on things for myself. I think part of mine is related to the ammount of carbs and sweet things I have. I am not a carb counter as I like bread and potatoes, but if I have too many carbs my tummy is out. Last night I had a huge helping of mashed potato and paid for it abot 2-3 hours later!
Since posting my reply I have been keeping an eye on things for myself. I think part of mine is related to the ammount of carbs and sweet things I have. I am not a carb counter as I like bread and potatoes, but if I have too many carbs my tummy is out. Last night I had a huge helping of mashed potato and paid for it abot 2-3 hours later!

Thats interesting to know. I have had IBS on and off for years and since I started dieting last May I can honestly say I have had a lot less episodes. Wonder if it has anyting to do with cutting down on my carbs? Mmm got me wondering about it now, thanks.
Thats interesting to know. I have had IBS on and off for years and since I started dieting last May I can honestly say I have had a lot less episodes. Wonder if it has anyting to do with cutting down on my carbs? Mmm got me wondering about it now, thanks.

Carbs and refined sugars are my main culprits, but other people have other triggers. I would suggest if any one is thinking of trying an excluding anything completly from their diet they have a chat to their GP or diabetes team first
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