Diagnosis likely next Wednesday and so fatigued

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all, I had my annual hba1c in Jan and it came back as just in the diabetic range (49). I had my follow up last week and know it came back as 48. I spoke to the dietician attached to surgery and she told me, not sure if she was supposed to. I have an appointment with GP next Wednesday and I'm guessing she will tell me I'm diabetic although only just. I have been feeling so tired and brain foggy for a while recently. Could this be blood sugar related? It seems unlikely as I am just within range. I wanted to discuss my fatigue at the appointment but don't want it dismissed as blood sugars if that is unlikely.
I wouldn’t assume it was the diabetes @Ccash I see you were diabetic before? Mention the fatigue to your doctor and perhaps they can run some general tests to check all’s ok.
Hopefully when you had your HbA1C they did other blood tests as well for things like anaemia, B12 deficiency, vit D and folic acid so that may reveal the cause of tiredness.
Don't let them fob you off with Oh it will be your blood glucose.
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