Diagnosing diabetes without drawing blood

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Young or old, whatever your ethnic background, diabetes can hit anyone at any time. Now there's a new tool helping identify the disease in record time.

If the obesity trend continues, experts predict 1 in 3 American kids born in the year 2000 will develop diabetes. But that doesn't mean they'll know they have the disease. Right now, 7 million diabetics are undiagnosed in the United States.

Now a new needle-free, lightning-fast test is helping Autumn Russ understand what was happening to her.

"I started getting dizzy and I started getting really tired easily," said Autumn.

Autumn Russ recently got the news that she has diabetes. Now she's part of a study testing how a machine can assess her risk for serious diabetes complications.

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