Diagnosed yesterday


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All,
Just joined the forum etc today, was diagnosed type 2 yesterday, my HbA1c is 78 (eeekkkk!!) but it explains a lot about the way I have been feeling over the last few months, had been attending my GP with a few medical issues which I can see now are complications of the diabetes.

Already got an appt next week with a GP at my practise who works with diabetic pts to find out what the next steps will be. Still all sinking in and getting my head around it, but have to say the information on the website and some of the threads I have read already have definitely helped.🙂
Sorry you've had to join us but welcome to the forum. 78 is high but many of us were diagnosed with an HbA1c in 3 figures but have still managed to turn things around through a combination of diet/exercise/weight loss/medication and in some cases have got to remission - no signs, no symptoms, no meds. Pleased to hear that you're finding the information on the website useful, and another plus is that the advice you'll get from forum members will be from people who are managing their diabetes day-by-day. Let us know how you get on with the GP and in the meantime feel free to fire away with any questions you have.
It’s a big shock when first diagnosed with a lot to take in and learn. For me the first 6 months or so were really hard whilst I learned about the condition and what foods I could eat. Lots of testing in those first few months taking finger prick tests to see what foods are suitable for you and it seemed lots of appointments with different parts of the NHS ie eye screening, looking at your feet, blood tests. It does ease off after a while

I’m now a low carb person although I don’t count carbs. No potatoes, pasta, bread, breakfast cereals etc which is difficult at first until you find meals that don’t contain these. One thing I have learned is that as long as you are sensible you can still enjoy the occasional treat or meal that may contain more carbs than you would normally have, especially on holiday etc

I was diagnosed 3 years ago in August 2021 with an HbA1c of 112 so very high. I’m now down to 41. Lost over 2 stone although I never considered myself massively overweight. Regular walks and golf is the right amount of exercise for me.
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Welcome to the forum @andya99

Glad you have joined us, but sorry you have to be here. 🙂

It is not at all uncommon to feel a bit ‘knocked for six’ by a diagnosis with diabetes. You can experience some fairly profound emotional reactions - almost like a form of grieving - with periods of anger, denial, bargaining, and depression (sometimes all on the same day!) before ultimately moving towards a form of acceptance as your strategies, techniques, and approaches towards managing your diabetes begin to settle a little.

Good to hear you have an appointment with your GP next week. Perhaps consider writing down any questions that come to mind between now and then in a notebook? It’s all too easy to have maybe 5 things you want to ask, and then to get distracted after the first 2, as the conversations unfold - and then forget to ask the most important one!
A little update after my GP visit this morning, have been started on medication, Gliclazide and Metformin, been given a finger prick kit but I only need to test when feel might be going low and also before I drive (have had to notify DVLA due to the Gliclazide). Also been referred to Momenta for the weight loss programme and filled in form for medical exemption for my prescriptions. So a busy morning has been had but feeling positive. Next review in 8 weeks unless anything drastic happens.
A little update after my GP visit this morning, have been started on medication, Gliclazide and Metformin, been given a finger prick kit but I only need to test when feel might be going low and also before I drive (have had to notify DVLA due to the Gliclazide). Also been referred to Momenta for the weight loss programme and filled in form for medical exemption for my prescriptions. So a busy morning has been had but feeling positive. Next review in 8 weeks unless anything drastic happens.
I hope you are pleased with the outcome of your appointment. Nobody has mentioned that particular program but it seems to be a variation of the Newcastle diet so essentially a soups and shakes based regime with an introduction to real food after the initial phase. Many have found it successful so if you search for Newcastle you should find some threads on the topic.
Clearly being on gliclazide you will need to be careful with a program like that but you will hopefully get support from the program delivery team.9
Pleased to hear you have had some guidance and a productive appointment.

Hopefully you have been started on just one Metformin a day and advised to build the dose up slowly over a few weeks to reduce the chances of digestive upset. Also important to take the Metformin with a reasonably substantial meal. I found taking them mid meal was best so that the medication was surrounded by food in my stomach and onwards into the intestines.
Just be aware that you may need the toilet at short notice in the early days with Metformin. I mostly just had wind, but it was the sort of colicky pain that you didn't know if it was going to be just wind or something more 😱 ..... so do be prepared for that possibility. Some people don't have any problems with Metformin at all and hopefully you will be one of those or if they do have problems, their body adjusts within a week or two and settles down..... but I wouldn't want you to get caught short, as unfortunately some people on this forum have, without warning you that it might happen.
Well I started out with a hba1c of 83 and got it down to 36 in 3 months with weight loss and a change of diet...
Only ever put on a low dose of metformin, so it's interesting that you have been put on two medicines.

(I was told to lose weight by the GP as well as take the tablets, which have recently stopped.)
Evening all,

I appreciate have been a bit quiet but thought a little update might be needed, established on the Metformin now at 4 tablets a day (2 morning, 2 evening) and not experiencing any issues, was on gliclazide twice daily which has now been stopped after my last hba1c result. Bloods done last week hba1c now sitting at 40 down from 78, lost about half a stone so far, not been too strict regarding my diet but certainly making an effort, had some weekends away which were fairly food/drink orientated (we've all been there!). My energy levels, sleep and general mental clarity have improved no end, my GP is being really supportive and have my proper first review in the next few weeks, hope to maintain these improvements & keep things on track.
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Many congratulations on a great result. Keep up the good work!