Diagnosed with Type 2 yesterday


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello Everyone

59 yo Female here.

I’ve felt tired all the time for probably the last 18 months to 2 years. I’ve been attending a gym (mainly strength and cardio workouts) for the last 2.5 years gradually increasing attendance from 2, 3 to now 4 times per week. Over this time I have lost around 3.5 stones and brought my BMI down from 48 to 39.1. Still a long way to go but I’m focussed now. I’d put the tiredness down to age, being overweight (and doing all that exercise) and post menopausal. My diet hadn’t been brilliant but a lot better than pre-gym days. Over the last few months I had started to feel increased thirst, dizzy at times, ‘panicky’ and generally really off it. The tiredness had remained constant. I could sleep for a week and still wake up feeling tired. In the last 2 weeks my fingertips had darkened in colour on the palms and appeared wrinkly (as if I’d had them in water). It was this last ‘symptom’ that prompted me to hit Google. I ordered some urine dipsticks, tested and found Glucose.

Rang GP surgery and booked an appointment. Saw ANP who took bloods on Monday and I was told to call for results on Wednesday. Overnight Tuesday/Wednesday I checked results online and saw my Diabetes Type 2 diagnosis and a note for Surgery staff to call me for an Appointment. My HbA1c was 110.9. The surgery were on the phone to me on Wednesday morning, before I was even out of bed. I was offered an appointment at 9.50 am same day.

Things have moved pretty quickly since then. I came straight out of my GP appointment to the Diabetes Nurse and then Pharmacy to collect my prescription.

Metformin 500mg slow release which I started that night (to be titrated up to 4 tablets). The Diabetes Nurse has also recommended getting me on Insulin ‘to give my Pancreas a rest’. As my BP was up, I’m now taking BP twice daily, Glucose levels twice daily and have another appointment next week to show me how to administer the Insulin. I’ve also been referred to ‘Desmond’? I’ve joined up here (obviously lol) and I’m arming myself with as much information as possible. Knowledge is power right? I also need to feel back in control of things asap.

I suppose I’m a little in shock and on autopilot. No family history to speak of (maternal grandfather developed it in old age). When I looked back at past blood tests, I now realise I have no previous Glucose levels recorded. Over the years I’ve had FBC, LFTs, Thyroid tests etc but never blood sugars.

Anyhow, I am now focussed on doing everything I can to begin to feel well again. I’m hoping the Insulin will be a temporary thing and (if I’m honest) also hoping that any other medication can be kept to a minimum. I was already tracking all my food and exercise but the diet has now been reviewed and I am a woman on a mission!

I’m looking forward to ‘meeting’ you all and hoping to benefit from your experiences and any tips you have for me.
Sorry you've had to join us but welcome. At least now you now know what was causing the symptoms you described, and armed with that knowledge you can start doing something about it. Many here have started from an HbA1c as high as yours, and sometimes higher, so there's a wealth of experience that you can tap into and it'll be coming from people who are managing their diabetes day-by-day.
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Hello @NewLeaf and welcome to the forum. I am impressed with your positivity about dealing with your very recent diagnosis and the lifestyle changes you intend to continue to lower your blood glucose and improve your overall health. This forum is really helpful and supportive. You can ask questions about literally anything relating to your experience of living with diabetes. No such thing here as a silly question. Wishing you success in achieving your goals.