Diagnosed with type 1, now might be type 2 apparently

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I had a routine blood test in January which had glucose around 22mol, keystones 1.8 and hba1c of 122

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and have been on insulin since then

Last week I had another blood test where my hba1c was 58. Still high but not 122

I had a chat with a doctor who seemed to think I might not have type 1 diabetes now and seemed to want to treat it as type 2.

I'm going to have more tests and stay on insulin for now

Has this happened to anyone else. I'm a bit worried I have type 1 or LADA diabetes and the NHS might take away the insulin that's helped me lower my hba1c in replacement or something less effective
Ketosis is far far more common with Type 1 than Type2 unless you were ill, had a HA, etc. If you are (were) of normal weight or just slightly over I would say Type 1 or 1.5 (LADA). Far too many doctors jump to a Type 2 diagnosis because of age. I have a recent hospital letter which says I am Type 2 despite being Type 1 since the 1960s. A friend (5' 10" and 12 stone) became quite unwell as they pressed on with Metformin, and was subsequently diagnosed Type 1.5 and is now on insulin.
If they do a cpeptide test that will indicate whether you’re producing not much insulin (likely t1) or loads of insulin (type 2), and whether your body can make enough insulin itself or not.

Make sure you check any requirements for whatever tests they do, I had to go 2hrs after a meal without bolus with a high bg, though sometimes people seem not to have to do that.

It’s your choice whether you stay on insulin even if they do give the option to come off, and it’s your choice whether to have the tests or not.
Did the doctor give any reason why they thought you might be Type 2 @adi182 ? It’s good they’re doing tests so you know for sure, but even if you were to be Type 2, then you could still carry on with the insulin.
I'm going to have more tests and stay on insulin for now

Good that extra tests have been suggested. I agree with @Lucyr that knowing your cPeptide could be really useful.

Great that your levels have responded so well to the insulin. Good that you can keep going with it while the extra checks are carried out.

It can feel a bit unnerving, but I think it’s good when Drs seek to confirm an initial classification. There have been people, initially thought to be T1 and struggling with insulin, who were later found to have a monogenic form of diabetes MODY who did much better just on tablets.

Hope you get some clarity over your diabetes type with the additional information from the tests.
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