Diagnosed T2 - One year on (6 months of that officially in remission)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
A year ago I felt my world had been turned upside down when I got T2 diagnosis. Well it has, but contrary to what I expected its for the better by a very large margin!

I am now over 7 1/2 stone lighter, high BP now on low side if anything (even though I stopped tablet a couple of months ago), high cholesterol/trigs now lowered to within normal ranges and I’m fitter than I was 15 years plus ago (taken up cycling again - Im 59 and had written myself off but have surprised myself at how easily I’ve got back into it and other physical activity)?

My latest HBA1c result taken last week was 37 (I’ve never been on any diabetes meds).

HBA1C tests during the past year:

Aug 2018 = 51 (at diagnosis)
Nov 2018 = 42
Feb 2019 = 38
May 2019 = 42 (the accuracy of this one is questionable)
Aug 2019 = 37

Never imagined I could say this, but being diagnosed with diabetes has dramatically transformed me physically for the better.

I had no idea that any of this was possible and spent much time searching online for positive outcomes, so I thought I’d post this as it may help someone (particularly newly diagnosed) understand that, unlike most other chronic diseases, with diabetes much is in an individuals own control. This forum has been a big help to me along the way.
Absolutely brilliant PaulLa! Fantastic results! 🙂 I often say to newly-diagnosed people that getting to grips with things can result in them becoming happier and healthier than they have been for some time, and you are living proof - well done! 🙂
Congratulations from me too! Fantastic results. Many thanks for posting your inspirational story. I too feel that there have been many benefits to my diagnosis .... weight loss, healthier diet and exercise and amazingly... no more migraines. Unfortunately I am not doing as well as you with my BG readings despite my best dietary efforts and insulin, but I live in hope!
Excellent! Just losing 7.5+ stone has to make a huge difference to just about everything (not least your clothing budget!).
Well done Paula.
Thanks for sharing your positive story.
Thanks everyone for your kind comments and encouragement. As I mentioned, this forum has been a huge help.

Eddy mentioned, the clothing budget. It has cost me a fortune...I’ve even had to buy a new crash helmet for my motorbike! A small price to pay for the benefits though.
Best Wishes to you all
Thanks everyone for your kind comments and encouragement. As I mentioned, this forum has been a huge help.

Eddy mentioned, the clothing budget. It has cost me a fortune...I’ve even had to buy a new crash helmet for my motorbike! A small price to pay for the benefits though.
Best Wishes to you all
The benefits of being a hoarder means that I can now fit back into my clothes of 20-30 years ago. I wore a 20+yr old floral dress on Monday to a family dinner and got compliments about it and asked if it was new! Just got my biking leathers out the other day and they have not seen daylight for a lot of years but was happily able to fit into them again. Losing weight does feel really good and having a whole wardrobe full of favourite clothes that I can enjoy again is a bonus.
The benefits of being a hoarder means that I can now fit back into my clothes of 20-30 years ago. I wore a 20+yr old floral dress on Monday to a family dinner and got compliments about it and asked if it was new! Just got my biking leathers out the other day and they have not seen daylight for a lot of years but was happily able to fit into them again. Losing weight does feel really good and having a whole wardrobe full of favourite clothes that I can enjoy again is a bonus.
Even better Barbara - they've come back in fashion! 😱 🙂
All that weight in just one year? Wow! 😱
That’s a great story @PaulLa - a real inspiration!
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