Diabulimia - “the world’s most dangerous eating disorder.”


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Interesting article on the BBC, complete with an interview with the very eloquent Lawrence, about the dangers and difficulties of having diabulimia:

I like the way he points out the contradiction between ‘count every carb’ and ‘just ignore food labels’.
There was a BBC documentary with a similar title some years ago if I remember right.

Good that it’s a topic that is getting additional coverage.
There was a BBC documentary with a similar title some years ago if I remember right.

Good that it’s a topic that is getting additional coverage.
I saw something on Chanel 4 many years ago? First time I knew it had a name. I put in a prescription a while back. The amount they dispense can last me 3 months? A concerned locum signing it off at the surgery rang & questioned how much insulin I use. She also couldn’t understand because recent test results were great. (& it looked like I was holding it together with the CGM too?) I think GPs do keep an eye on things with patients. It was nice to get that welfare check.
The article mentioned new guidelines from Healthcare Improvement Scotland.
It is good that these now exist but frustrating it is only now.
Do such guidelines exist from NICE for England or the equivalents in Wales and Northern Ireland?
If not, is it something Diabetes UK should be campaigning for? Surely it would be easier in the other nations now there are some guidelines in Scotland.
Sorry, I'm obviously missing summat here - new guidelines for what ??
The article mentioned new guidelines from Healthcare Improvement Scotland.
It is good that these now exist but frustrating it is only now.
Do such guidelines exist from NICE for England or the equivalents in Wales and Northern Ireland?
If not, is it something Diabetes UK should be campaigning for? Surely it would be easier in the other nations now there are some guidelines in Scotland.
I moved to Scotland from England and I find the diabetes care better here: I think it's because the prevalence of Type 2 in Scotland is so high that extra money's dedicated to (all) diabetes care here.
What Lawrence has done to give more coverage to Diabulimia is praiseworthy indeed but for me it remains an overlooked condition and so much more needs to be done to make people aware of it.
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I don't know that DWED catered for gastroparesis? - it's physical, not psychological.
DWED catered for eating disorders, including diabulimia, which is what the video talked about.