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Err, in what circs would they not be similar??
nice! when i bung a libre on I use diabox.

Err, in what circs would they not be similar??
because you calibrate a new sensor with diabox 🙂
(or at least on the first time using the app)
Err, in what circs would they not be similar??
Libre does not transmit the BG level. It transmits a load of data about interstitial fluid. There is no official algorithm to convert this data to BG
Abbott does not share the algorithm it uses so developers of apps like Diabox have to use the best fit algorithm.
Things like temperature can be used differently.
Err, in what circs would they not be similar??
I've been using Diabox now for a couple of years. I also use LibreLink to send data to the hospital. I think LibreLink tends to predict more, where Diabox algorithm tends to be more 'now'. Sometimes, there can be a mmol or more between them (and equally LibreLink can sometimes be hugely different from blood test) but generally I've found Diabox sticks closet to finger prick readings, and is consistent enough to see the flow of data appearing in the app without physically scanning. Main annoyance is the occasional signal dropout, which means it doesn't feed into my Android APS for the pump loop!

The other great things with Diabox (especially now I'm using it for my loop config) is that LibreLink tells you, exactly 14 days after you started a new sensor, that the sensor has ended. No readings, no data, nothing. You then get a gap in data whil starting up a new sensor. iabox will continue taking readings from the 'dead' sensor for another 10 to 12 hours - so I continue to gt a flow of data while LibreLik is twiddling its thumbs waiting for an hour for the new one to warm up! It also has a better range of alarms, and they can be snoozed - means that when I have one of those stubborn highs, it doesn't just say I'm out of range and then shuts up, it lets me choose how long to wait before it checks again and tells me that nope, you are still high!
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I understand perfectly that IF ain't blood, the difference between them and the fact that A won't give their algorithm to anyone else. What I don't understand is why you expect them to be an exact match cos after all - Libre never ever intended or claimed that they would be.

DIY closed loop - Yep OK - but because it's DIY each person adopting it has to automatically accept it ain't perfect, be prepared to deal with any shortcomings, each person see if they can find a workround and if so, tell the other users.

Surely DIABOX must have either a facespace group or a forum or something?
I understand perfectly that IF ain't blood, the difference between them and the fact that A won't give their algorithm to anyone else. What I don't understand is why you expect them to be an exact match cos after all - Libre never ever intended or claimed that they would be.

DIY closed loop - Yep OK - but because it's DIY each person adopting it has to automatically accept it ain't perfect, be prepared to deal with any shortcomings, each person see if they can find a workround and if so, tell the other users.

Surely DIABOX must have either a facespace group or a forum or something?
I agree, Jenny. IF follows blood, and is not the same. However, LibreLink can give different readings - this morning, Diabox 5.7, LibreLink 8.4. Finger prick was 7.0. A few minutes later, LibreLink had dropped to 7.7, and Diabox had gone up to 6.6 and rising rapidly. The 8.4 was sitting well above the graph - so it didn't actually reach that level. Often find that LL gives a predictie reading that it doesn't reach, where Diabox tells it as it is - the result of different algorithms interpreting the numbers from the sensor.

There is indeed an FB group for Diabox (and for AAPS, Looping, and a few others, and I'm also part of a Whatsapp peer support group for pumping and T1D in general 🙂 Plenty of support and encouragement around.
No - neither are near enough to rely on, I now wholly understand what you were saying. I freely admit I'm quite a lot more risk averse than an awful lot of people and have never denied that. Whilst I applaud the fact generally that more people try to find DIY/quick/cheaper solutions to everything they're involved in I still find eg Roget's Thesaurus and an Oxford Dictionary in the bookcase reassuring ....... so if the internet goes down I'm not going to be unable to cope. Sometimes the pursuit of something just makes it more complicated, to me.

Yes I'd like a closed loop pump, it'd be daft not to. In time - because I couldn't fail to notice how well the various versions of 'control IQ' apparently work for people - I sincerely hope that ALL pumps are, so that nobody is trapped in a postcode lottery ever again.
I still find eg Roget's Thesaurus and an Oxford Dictionary in the bookcase reassuring

nobody is trapped in a postcode lottery ever again.
Wise and true, Jenny - although it seems ages since I last made serious use of Roget ... but I could spend hours following up the various alternatives just to see where they lead. It is a standing joke here that I can pick up a point in a conversation, make several associated connections in my head, and out pops something that leaves everyone else wondering how I arrived there, total disconnect from the original LOL. I get there perfectly logically, but without the intermediate connections ...

As for the postcode lottery - over the years I can look back and see where some of my clinics have offered very low service, and wish they were all, in retrospect, as helpful and positive as my present one. Very sad that there are so many people deprived of decent care all as part of the same NHS setup!
Well, course, that's because they have people running em and not expertly made machines ....
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