Diabox Notification - Connected Apps

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I keep getting a message pop up every 15mins on my phone about any other apps connected to the sensor to be disconnected. Does anyone know how I stop this as obviously can't disconnect LibreLink app?
I'm slightly confused about your question under the heading of Diabox app. Do you have the Diabox app installed as well as your LibreLink?

I used Diabox in 2021 when I had Libre 2 before it was upgraded from scanning g to providing continuous readings. At that time Diabox was a terrific app. I now have Dexcom G7 and now have Diabox as a fully dormant app - but still installed in case I'm desperate enough to need Libre. But I think that won't be needed. One of the brilliant features of Diabox was that it displayed one's BG on my sleeping phone; no need to wake anything up to find out instantly my BG status. I am not aware of any manufacturer's app that does this. I can wake in the night and see the time on my phone, but not my BG without the help of Diabox.

That digression aside, if you have the Diabox app either uninstall it or go into settings>apps and force stop it. If you don't have it installed do a systematic emptying of cache in any place where a gremlin might be hiding.
Hi, Due to upgrading to Android 14 the CGM aspect of LibreLink isn't working unti Abbott fix software compatibility. So I'm using Diabox as CGM as well. Never had any issues before upgrade running both apps.
Hi, Due to upgrading to Android 14 the CGM aspect of LibreLink isn't working unti Abbott fix software compatibility. So I'm using Diabox as CGM as well. Never had any issues before upgrade running both apps.
Sorry, now clear enough. So it must be android 14 that is triggering this change.

But surely you can stop LibreLink? Diabox takes (or used to when I last used it) data direct from the Libre sensor and then manages it for your convenience. Evidence of that was the ability for Diabox to provide you with monitoring by the minute, when Libre was less frequent. Useful to me with my brittle D and when I was feeling panicky about just how deep was my next hypo going to be! [Oh, those were dreadful days, hope they never return.]

If you don't have LibreLink running you will lose some of the reports and tables from there and possibly the data sharing with LibreView through the web based portal.

Have you reached out to the Diabox geeks on Facebook? They may have a solution.
Thanks for your help, I'm not on Facebook though may need to join to access things like this
I wasn't on Facebook. I specifically joined to get access to the Diabox geeks (that's not a derogatory term, its what they call themselves.) (Actually it's a tiny organisation and a couple of years ago was very well controlled. The 'geek or geeks' can't be contacted by us customers, but they provide updating info from time to time; there is a small group who confer on what the next most important bit of code needs improving or developing, from suggestions we make and they advise the geeks accordingly who respond accordingly. It is in practice great configuration control for the software development.)

I needed to be ruthless in not taking any notice of other Facebook sections, which can otherwise be extraordinarily invasive into your space, wanting to be your friends - and if not careful I could have had hundreds of friends .... I kept deleting as much of the incoming material as quickly as I possibly could; I stupidly just read some of the earlier ones and that seemed to attract a deluge of more notifications! I now only get a tiny amount of new notifications; I wasn't aware that I'd finally found an "off" switch and if I did it was switched blindly, because it wasn't obvious to me!!
Having the same problem...but more sporadically..maybe once every other day. I have suspiscions my other much more powerful mobile maybe infering with connection, but not got to bottom of it yet :/
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