Diabetics with rare eating disorder to get specialist NHS help

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Diabetics who also have a rare and potentially fatal eating disorder are to start receiving specialist NHS help to reduce their risk of suffering its “devastating” consequences.

About 55,000 people in England with type 1 diabetes also have diabulimia, which occurs when a person with the condition stops taking insulin regularly because they want to lose weight.

Support from nurses and counsellors for people with diabulimia will include advice on how to prevent harmful social media postings from affecting their behaviour.

Leading doctors and health charities said the little-known condition can lead to a stroke, kidney failure, an amputation, blindness or even death.


If you'd like to learn more, please visit DWED (Diabetics with Eating Disorders), who have long been at the forefront of fighting for the acceptance of diabulimia as a specific medical condition which requires specialist attention. Now all that work appears to be bearing fruit thanks to the tireless efforts of Jacq and others associated with the charity 🙂
I also thought the BBC Breakfast report was done well. 🙂

Fantastic work by the dedicated people at DWED in working to get recognition for diabulimia as a specific medical condition. 🙂
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