Diabetics mark 90th anniversary

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It is 90 years today since the first human - a 14-year-old boy - was successfully treated with insulin to control diabetes.
Canadian Leonard Thompson marked a medical breakthrough to which a million diabetics in the UK owe their lives.
Before insulin was developed, a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes led to a quick death, often within weeks or days.

A day no one should forget, one of the greatest discovery's in modern medicine in my book.
Bloomin' eck! I had no idea how RECENT the discovery of insulin was! It's shocking to think that type 1 was a death sentence at the start of the 20th century....!
Bloomin' eck! I had no idea how RECENT the discovery of insulin was! It's shocking to think that type 1 was a death sentence at the start of the 20th century....!

Yes - frightening isn't it? 😱 If my grandad had had it, I wouldn't be here :(
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