Diabetics Are Slow To Adopt Healthy Lifestyles

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I met a T2 bloke at a specifically diabetic committee meeting the other month, I couldn't believe him ..... I'd say this geezer was early 40's, not noticeably overweight or anything so I'd say prolly has a genetic tendency towards T2.

He was telling me about some operation that's been invented that 'cures T2' and it's coming here shortly, Bristol was one of the centres he mentioned.

What was he doing at the moment though? Tablets. And diet, had he looked - for instance - at reducing carbs, perchance?

Oh no, I'm not doing that! - no point if I can get this op, is there? he replied ........

I'm still fairly speechless to tell you the truth.
Funny I missed when you originally posted this the morning,but I was thinking percentage wise how much impact a persons lifestyle changes and the meds there on help with there diabetes, I was certainly blind at the start believing the meds would do all the work and i was dissilutioned(sp?) soon realised I needed to wake up and help myself and I did do by introducing exercise and diet to my life.
Funny I missed when you originally posted this the morning,but I was thinking percentage wise how much impact a persons lifestyle changes and the meds there on help with there diabetes, I was certainly blind at the start believing the meds would do all the work and i was dissilutioned(sp?) soon realised I needed to wake up and help myself and I did do by introducing exercise and diet to my life.

I suspect it's not helped by the fact that some doctors/nurses still talk about 'mild' and 'severe' diabetes. If you've been told you have mild diabetes and to take a few pills, you might not take it seriously - especially if you weren't allowed/taught how to test and adjust.

Trophywench, there was something in the paper here about an op being pioneered in Southampton that 'cures' diabetes:


perhaps it was this the man was counting on? But if he's not obese, would it work for him anyway?
No, defo not islets, defo a stomach one, cos I remembered the Endo but nothing else it seems LOL - TY Northerner.

Perhaps he's planning on waiting till he fits the criteria, and doing nothing to prevent morbid obesity is part of his masterplan - God knows how some people's minds work ......

What I do know, is that I believe fervently that God actually does try and help the folk that help themselves .....
PS Even Baldrick wouldn't have come up with that as a cunning plan ....

or would he?
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