Diabetic type 2 and trying to lose weight

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I'm new to this forum but have been diabetic for 18 years. I am trying to juggle getting my blood sugar results down and losing weight. Both of which I am not succeeding with.
Does any one else have problems?
Hope someone can advise me
Hiya - Yes, hence why we have had a Diet & Weightloss thread going for years where people share ideas and successes/failures.

What are you doing - cutting carbs? have you upped the exercise? Without knowing more about you it's a bit difficult to suggest anything that might be helpful - so tell us a bit more.
I found the only way I lost weight was to eat less calories, and to exerciser more.

A food diary was helpful.
I was bullied into fewer calorie diets many times over the decades - my metabolism just shuts down, I go deathly pale and have no energy, so naturally do not lose weight.
If that happens to you then eating low carb might work really well. I find that I don't need to count calories and feel great, full of energy. Whilst I was eating 50 gm of carbs a day and concentrating on my blood glucose levels I lost three stones without trying, When I had about a year of normal results I had shrunk in size, mostly around the waist, but not lost much weight, so I am now eating no more than 40 gm of carbs a day to try to lose weight, which is beginning to waver a little bit now, but still hanging on grimly. It will give in in the end.
When I think how much of my life (pre diabetes) I wasted on yo yo dieting, you name it, I tried it, before my diagnosis I was following slimming world and getting so frustrated because I wasn’t losing anything! Yet 6 months on low carb and I’m over 2 stone lighter......wish I’d done this years ago 😳
I think that is an issue.
If you have been a yo yo dieter, maybe the mindset is to lose weight, like slimming world for example.

I simply realised I was overeating, so ate less, with a plan not to go back to eating the amount I did.
I also found the Newcastle diet weaned me off food, so apart from the benefit of reversing my diabetes, it gave me a clean slate to plan a new food regime.

As to the "shut down" thing, I had no issue, and many plans like Fung advocate fasting days, and lower calories overall, so it doesn't seem to effect the majority.
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