Diabetic runner finds health and love

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Pete Chavez celebrated his 43rd birthday by running the Orange County Marathon on May 6.

It?s been a life-changing year for the Camarillo resident, who 12 months ago couldn?t even run a quarter-mile, let alone 26.2. Along the way he has reclaimed his health and even found love.

Chavez?s journey began in January 2011. He?d been feeling fatigued and tremendously thirsty, and at first thought he?d come down with a bad cold or the flu so he tried to wait it out to see if he got better.

When his condition worsened, he took the advice of a family friend and went to the doctor for a checkup. Chavez, who was considered obese at 6-foot-2 and 265 pounds, was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.

His blood sugar was so high at one point that a friend immediately drove him to the emergency room so his condition could be stabilized.

Chavez knew then that he needed to change his daily routine, and the next day he improved his eating habits and began walking. The simple exercise eventually led to running.

?The idea of running for me was something I was never able to fathom,? he said.

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