Diabetic neuropathy

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi, I am new to this forum so apologies if this has been discussed before. Type 1 diabetic and suffer with diabetic neuropathy in both feet. Does anyone have any suggestions re self help remedies?
Welcome I know some people recommend using a TENS machine,
I have it in my legs mostly & the arms. A&E dictor who diagnosed me recommended taking ALA or GLA vitamin supplements! I googled it & ALA is harder to get so, went for GLA that occurs naturally in Evening Primrose oil! I take one 100mg capsule a day & that keeps the “tingles” away most of the time but, when ill & blood sugars are high for a prolonged length of time I can get tingly again when my blood sugars drop fast when I’m well again! But, they go away again after a few days to a week, the longest, with stable blood sugars: it’s the fast drop from being high that gives me Transient neuropathy; try to drop more slowly now after I’ve been ill to avoid that! Most of the time my neuropathy doesn’t bother me on EPO every day & only notice it wgen I’ve had to stop for 3 weeks for day procedure ops: 1 week before & 2 weeks after; supplements could interfere with healing! That’s when I really noticed what the GLA does: dull things down; in 3 weeks I get very tingly!
Hi, I am new to this forum so apologies if this has been discussed before. Type 1 diabetic and suffer with diabetic neuropathy in both feet. Does anyone have any suggestions re self help remedies?

Welcome @lum67 🙂 Alpha Lipoic Acid is good. You have to take a highish dose so it’s not cheap, but it works and is prescribed in some European countries. There are also various ‘add-ons’ that can help. Benfotiamine is one, and a good quality B Complex. Possibly B12. Also Omega 3 and CoQ10.

Being really strict about targets can help too. Obviously if you’re struggling, you should speak to your GP, of course.
Sorry to hear you are getting some neuropathic pain @lum67

From reading members’ experiences over the years there does seem to be an association with periods of more erratic BGs and flare-ups of neuropathic pain. Easier said than done I know, but trying to keep your levels relatively stable can help.

There are a couple of older threads which might give you some pointers too

And as an aside any of those circulation booster things seem to be a bad idea.

Hope you can find some relief and strategies that work for you.
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