Diabetic Neuropathy no help anywhere.

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Why is there no help or support with diabetic neuropathy. My gp just says it’s a fact of life for diabetics, I asked could I be referred to see a specialist at hospital he just said there is no point. He just prescribed me Gabapentin 300 mg 3 times a day. I have been on this drug now for several months and it has made no difference. The numbness in both my feet seems to be getting worse. As I say there seems to be no help. Has anyone got any advice please.
Not for this diabetic it isn't - I saw my father's mother suffering through the last few years of her life and so there is no way I am going to take any more of the nonsense.
Keeping my consumption of carbs low means my blood glucose remains low, so my tests show normal numbers. I have read that some who have nerve damage begin to feel pangs and twinges after keeping their glucose levels in the normal range for a while. Nerves can and do regenerate.
Do you check your levels after meals to see if you are experiencing spikes? Are your HbA1c tests in the normal range?
What is your diabetes management like? It is really important for you to manage your BG levels well and keep them as "in range" and stable as possible to prevent neuropathy getting worse. If you only have numbness, then I think the Gabapentin is unlikely to help as my understanding is that it is to deal with pain management rather than numbness. Sadly when your nerves are badly damaged it is unlikely that you will regain feeling. There are supplements that you can try and it is worth checking that your vitamin B12 levels are within range, especially if you take Metformin long term as that can prevent absorption of B12 from food (or oral supplements) and in that situation B12 injections are needed to get the B12 into the blood stream. B12 is important for nerve health but so is good blood flow which is why keeping active and managing your diabetes well is so important.
As has already been said, how well is your diabetes managed? My feet used to get a terrible burning sensation and I got horrid cramp in my legs when my BG was out of control. My GP totally dismissed these symptoms as a sign of neuropathy.

I wear compression socks a lot, often to sleep in and find they help enormously. My BG levels are also good, which has also helped massively I think, as has losing a lot of weight.

Definitely have a look at compression socks though. My mum has vascular disease and her issues are pretty much kept under control my compression socks or dressings and statins. This is a lady who has virtually no pulses in her feet!
All i can offer is sympathy @Lancsamb. I have neuropathy in my face, probably not diabetes related. It started a dozen years ago in my nostrils and has got steadily more widespread and intense over the years. Have been seeing neurologist regularly, had scans and tests, taken loads of pills of one sort or another I am no further forward. The neurologist declares that he has no idea what is causing it and probably never will. Currently back on gabapentin, building up the dose very slowly to see if there is some dose at which it works. I do not have any great hope that it will.

I have come to the conclusion that he has some idea but without evidence from tests he cannot commit to anything. The problem as I see it is that the tests available are crude and unlikely to show anything until the nerve damage is advanced. Things are not helped by the fact that the neurologist only has your word for it that the problem exists and that his tool bag in terms of medication is tiny and the medications are a bit hit and miss.

So, as I say I have loads of sympathy but no practical suggestions about how to improve matters. I have just learned to live with it and take solace that it is in my face although that might change if it begins to affect my speech or swallowing. Neuropathy in the legs and feet will be a real issue if it affects your mobility and it might take that to get the medics to sit up and take notice. Sad I know, but I have my realists hat on today.
Hello! I suffer both Phantom Pain and Neuropathic Pain as a result of a LBKA (Left Below Knee Amputation) and ongoing issue with my right foot as a result of Covid Toe. I too find Gabapentin (although the go-to drug for both of these types of pain) is basically useless and I have been up to 3 x 600mg + Paracetamol. Both of these issues were preceded by a diagnosis of PAD (Peripheral Arterial Disease).

There are two things I recommend:

i) Get to the best level of HbA1c you can achieve. Recently I was on the anti-biotic Doxycycline (I nickname DosyCarp) that totally messed up my insulin response. My TIR (Time In Range) plummeted from its usual 800 - 90% to 45% - 55% and my HbA1c rose from a previous 53 to 63 on the day it was stopped! I also feel the pain got even worse.
ii) Ask for a Doppler Check together with ABPI (Ankle Brachial Pressure Index). Podiatrists can do this for £200 - £250 if you have trouble getting it done. DO NOT TRUST medical professionals feeling your pulse and saying everything is fine. A useless DSN said my pulses were fine and being concerned I told a white lie to the receptionist on the way out and said I had been asked to book a Doppler with ABPI. Six weeks later I was diagnosed with PAD as the ABPI to the left (where I had suffered a serious fracture two years earlier) was 0.7 and to the right somewhat higher. The norm is 0.9.

Until it is confirmed you do not have PAD you should not wear support stockings as the two are a bad combination increasing the risk of a leg attack (clot in a leg artery).

Good luck!
Just this past week at the side of my little toe on my right foot, I am getting a stabbing jagging type feeling greatly annoying me. No idea how to stop it. So annoying.
Just this past week at the side of my little toe on my right foot, I am getting a stabbing jagging type feeling greatly annoying me. No idea how to stop it. So annoying.
Have you checked for a corn? That is a common place for them to develop.
Have you checked for a corn? That is a common place for them to develop.
no basically because I can't see well enough, mind you I did have a corn there years ago so could be
no basically because I can't see well enough, mind you I did have a corn there years ago so could be

I find that I can usually feel corns better than I can see them especially if I feel carefully and concentrate rather than trying to look and feel at the same time. I get little "seed corns" and it is amazing how painful they can be. Even after nipping them out, they come back eventually so I think your problem is likely a corn. Thankfully I still have enough flexibility to be able to nip them out with nail clippers 😱 My DN had an absolute fit when I told her I did this and referred me to the hospital podiatrist, who of course used a sterile scalpel but made me really sore for days afterwards and more or less told me that I could look after my feet myself..... which I can and am far happier to do.... but the nurse said I shouldn't. 🙄 I have very good sensitivity in my feet, so I can feel exactly where and how deep to dig in to nip the corns out without hitting sensitive tissue or making myself bleed like the podiatrist did. :(
I have to say that the flexibility and sight is gradually becoming more and more of a challenge to do it myself, but with a good pair of reading glasses and some warm up stretches, I can still manage it.... just!
No advice I'm afraid @Lancsamb, just a lot of sympathy. My partner (non-diabetic) has neuropathy in his feet. The GP sent him for tests. He's been checked for nerve damage (none) and had a heat test. It got up to 56 degrees before he felt anything! Sadly, the medics say nothing can be done other than taking Gabapentin which scarcely touches the numbness and burning. Not sure why they sent him for tests if they can't do anything! The only thing that helped slightly was Boots cooling foot gel, but that seems to have been discontinued. Some stores still have it occasionally so you may get lucky and find some.
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