Diabetic mother reveals how her cocker spaniel has saved her life FOUR TIMES

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A severely diabetic mum told how her life has been saved four times by her cocker spaniel - Scotland's first blood sugar sniffer dog.
Carol Miller, 42, was devastated when she was diagnosed with type one diabetes in May last year.
The mother-of-three's condition is so severe she has to inject insulin five times a day and risks falling into a diabetic coma and even dying while she sleeps.


There is sooooooo much wrong with this article - can you spot the howlers? 😱
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Carol said: "Diabetics suffer what are known as 'hypos', hypoglycemic spells where you feel faint. It feels a lot like a bad hangover.
"When I'm awake I can tell when I'm going to have one and intervene with injections, but when I'm asleep I have no way of knowing.

I doubt if this is what she actually said. :(
My diabetes must be a lot worse than hers, mine is so bad I am linked up to a vial of insulin which drips into me constantly whereas hers isn't bad, because she can have a few hours at a time where she doesn't need it ......

:D 😱 :confused: 🙄
I think the NHS need to luck into giving us all "dogs" & binning all of our test strips & meters. This reporter has found the answer 🙄🙄🙄 I wounder why i dont buy papers 🙄
Wonder what she'd make of my talents then with two hypo warning dogs😱

Mind you if it had been my attention to have an hypo warning dog/s, I would have gone for a breed smaller than I got... 30kg of German Shepherd bouncing on you bed in the early hours of the morning is not pleasant even though much appreciated.

Jones had now cracked how to get dad to notice he's hypo when walking him on a lead, he starts sniffing his leg:confused:
Oh, bless him!

(Jones, not Les, LOL)
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