Diabetic girl's thanks to fundraisers

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
When Becky Conroy saw how many people had donated money to her online giving page she told her mother ?I want to kiss them all?.

The seven-year-old was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in March ? a complication of norovirus, the sickness and diarrhoea bug that erupts in many schools every winter.

But while most children shake off the bug after a couple of days, Becky will have to cope with diabetes for the rest of her life, or until a cure is found.

Routine at home in Jennett?s Park, for Becky, her parents Jan and Richard and 10-year-old brother Benjamin is a relentless round of injections and blood tests using 56 needles a week and strictly measured meals every two to three hours.

Without medicine she would die within three months. If her blood sugars are too low she can go into a diabetic coma, too high and acid in her blood could damage her body, with complications including amputation, kidney failure and blindness.

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