Diabetic Eye Test

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Had my first diabetic eye test today. I`m not really sure what this is looking for. I`ve already got a glaucoma diagnosis. Does anyone know, please? And if they find anything, is there typically any treatment?
The best time to ask why the diabetic eye test was being carried out was at the test itself!
Perhaps the appointment form gives you appropriate contact information?
Alternatively, have a look through the NHS webpage on Diabetic Eye Screening.
Had my first diabetic eye test today. I`m not really sure what this is looking for. I`ve already got a glaucoma diagnosis. Does anyone know, please? And if they find anything, is there typically any treatment?
Have a read of this link.
They are having a look at the retina of your eye, and looking for any evidence of diabetic retinopathy.
You will get this test each year. Managing our glucose levels as effective as we can reduces the risk of any damage to the eyes.

I do not know about the treatments, but I know that there are others on here who have had treatments.
Hope the check went well @millwallbill and that the dilating drops weren’t too stingy!

These routine ones are worth doing annually, even when someone has only just been diagnosed, because simetimes people can have been living with elevated glucose levels for some time before they finally get checked - so it’s good to just make sure nothing has changed in their eyes in the meantime 🙂
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