Diabetic Eye Screening results


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
I recently had my eyes checked under the Diabetic Eye Screening Programme (DESP) and as I hadn't heard anything thought I'd go looking for my results on the NHS app, Patient Access etc. As nothing had come through the post either I emailed an admin address on the portal that handles the appointments and received a pdf of an NHS letter confirming everything was OK.

I was wondering if this is how other people get their results or do they find their way onto the NHS app?


I get a letter soon after the test, to give the result and a warning of the time until the next test is due. After some years of annual testing it will now be done at two yearly intervals unless something changes for me.
I recently had my eyes checked under the Diabetic Eye Screening Programme (DESP) and as I hadn't heard anything thought I'd go looking for my results on the NHS app, Patient Access etc. As nothing had come through the post either I emailed an admin address on the portal that handles the appointments and received a pdf of an NHS letter confirming everything was OK.

I was wondering if this is how other people get their results or do they find their way onto the NHS app?


I've always had a letter shortly after the test. The appointment letter always says something like 'results within 3 weeks' but it's always quicker than that.
Still waiting on my letter, but nurse said all was OK, because it would be about 6 weeks before I heard from the consultant. In the meanwhile, I have had glaucoma check. All on my NHS app within days. It's obvious that some GP surgeries don't do this in some parts of the countr y and I know that the Scottish Health service is still arguing about it
I get a letter which is sent to myself and my GP.
The only way I would see the results on the NHS app is when the GP surgery upload a copy onto my patient records. There is no automatic link or reporting of the results like there is with blood tests,

However, a friend was showing me the results of his blood tests recently on the NHS app. He is in a different CCG (or whatever they are called now) and his results are presented very differently.
So, while I do not get the results of the retinal scan as anything more than a scanned in letter, that does not mean it is the case for all.
I don’t get the letter, I get a text saying to log into the portal if I want to read the letter.
I always get a letter through the post maybe a week to ten days after the scan. To be honest, the hospital have usually said that everything looks fine before I’ve left the appointment, except last time when they couldn’t see a darned thing in my right eye for the cataract!
I get a letter, usually within a couple of weeks of my screening.
I recently had my eyes checked under the Diabetic Eye Screening Programme (DESP) and as I hadn't heard anything thought I'd go looking for my results on the NHS app, Patient Access etc. As nothing had come through the post either I emailed an admin address on the portal that handles the appointments and received a pdf of an NHS letter confirming everything was OK.

I was wondering if this is how other people get their results or do they find their way onto the NHS app?


Hi had my test done just a week ago and although I have not received my letter my optician told me every thing was OK and will be confirmed in the letter.
Went for my screening last Monday and haven't even thought about it since. Will just wait for the letter since I have all sorts of other things occupying my mind more, at the moment.