Diabetic drug given to patients 'by shining blue light at stomach'

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Scientists have created a prototype drug for type-2 diabetes that could be switched on and off by shining a blue light at a patient’s stomach.

The breakthrough could prevent too much insulin being released — which can cause a dangerous crash in blood sugar levels — and reduce side-effects on the brain and heart.

Researchers at Imperial College London and LMU Munich adapted an existing diabetes drug, a sulphonylurea, to change shape when exposed to blue light in the laboratory and stimulate the release of insulin from pancreatic cells. The supply of insulin halts when the light — which could come from LEDs on the stomach — is switched off.


Whatever will they think of next? 😱 🙂
Does this mean you might get a hypo when chased by the police?
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