Diabetic distress

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Jason Franklin

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi can anyone offer any advice with diabetes distress, I'm 43 been type 1 33 years and I've had enough of all of it. It's only getting harder with age. I've been to diabetes team and Gp but the only thing they could offer was iapt counselling which wasn't helpful. Feel emotionally and physically drained (which normally youd take a break or holiday) but can never take a break from being type 1, endless injections blood tests and hypos. Does anyone have and experience or help they can offer as I can't keep on like this please?
Hello Jason, living with any long term condition is going to take its toll at times. No one can be super strong all the time.

I am sorry to hear that IAPT counselling didn't help but with 6 to 8 sessions, people are often just getting going by the time it is finished...
I obviously don't know what emotional support you have and I I am wondering if you should be telling your GP how you are feeling. IAPT CBT doesn't work for everyone - and I think it is better for some conditions that others. There are other support options out there.

I am sure there will be other members who will resonate with your experience and might be able to offer you some practical advice and/or guidance. The helpline might also be useful if you just need someone to talk this through with.

Take care Jason and keep connected.
Hi Ruby thanks for your message,
I've told Gp and team about how I've felt and for many years was diagnosed with depression and put on various anti depressants which never really helped and it's only recently that they realized it was diabetic distress and not depression.

I also have phoned the helpline a couple of times and they were very nice but couldn't give any options except iapt or the forums here and as I've never tried the forums and don't know many type 1s thought I'd try and hope there's some advice\help.
Hallo Jason, stick around, ask questions, read the threads. This forum helps a lot. Good luck, you're not on your own 🙂
Hello Jason and welcome 🙂

Sorry to hear what a tough time you're having with diabetes burnout/distress. It definitely goes with the territory and I think we can all understand that complete arghh feeling about the relentless having to do it all regardless.

Do you use the Libre to help give you more information about levels and if your bg is falling or rising. That may help put diabetes management slightly off centre and help you take a mini breather knowing data is only a swipe away. It is available in some areas on prescription if you meet the criteria but I know it is a postcode lottery on having it prescribed.

I joined this forum because I felt so isolated juggling T1 and wanted to see what others were doing with their diabetes. For me it has been the best lifeline and has helped me more than I could ever have expected. Just being able to write down that you feel at your wits end and know that we all get that feeling is a relief.

I hope things start to turn around for you soon.
Hi Ruby thanks for your message,
I've told Gp and team about how I've felt and for many years was diagnosed with depression and put on various anti depressants which never really helped and it's only recently that they realized it was diabetic distress and not depression.

I also have phoned the helpline a couple of times and they were very nice but couldn't give any options except iapt or the forums here and as I've never tried the forums and don't know many type 1s thought I'd try and hope there's some advice\help.

Anti-depressants work for some people but not for others and you have pinned down the cause - a recognisable condition. I think as Brando says... stick around - you will certainly connect with others and sharing the grind of it all might help.
Hi Flower thanks for your message.
i did try Libra briefly but I have apparently "smooth skin" so any time i sweat the microporous tape falls off and Libra fell out. The same thing happened with insulin pump, after 3 years jumping through hoops to get funding i got approved and had a trial and every time I sweated it fell out. I asked diabetic team of i could just use different tape and was told that with the cost being over £3000 the nhs wouldn't fund me if pump would just fall out.
Hi Flower thanks for your message.
i did try Libra briefly but I have apparently "smooth skin" so any time i sweat the microporous tape falls off and Libra fell out. The same thing happened with insulin pump, after 3 years jumping through hoops to get funding i got approved and had a trial and every time I sweated it fell out. I asked diabetic team of i could just use different tape and was told that with the cost being over £3000 the nhs wouldn't fund me if pump would just fall out.
There is stuff called skin tac which holds the cannula in place. I use it for my sensors and after 30 days (sensor fails) I then have to peel the sensor off as it's still stuck down.
Simple things like a shower before the sensor change using a alcohol swab to clean the infusion site or using deodorant also stops the sweating in the area.
So your team was less than helpful in that area
After 53 years on insulin I just treat the blood test as a number no post-mortems about why high or low etc. I refuse to keep a diary and also refuse to write down numbers anymore.
This is my coping strategy.
Hi Flower thanks for your message.
i did try Libra briefly but I have apparently "smooth skin" so any time i sweat the microporous tape falls off and Libra fell out. The same thing happened with insulin pump, after 3 years jumping through hoops to get funding i got approved and had a trial and every time I sweated it fell out. I asked diabetic team of i could just use different tape and was told that with the cost being over £3000 the nhs wouldn't fund me if pump would just fall out.
Hi Jason
I am sorry to hear that you are struggling with your Diabetes, but glad that you have found this forum. I have definitely found a heap of support here and learnt ways to make my management easier.

The Diabetes burnout hit me a bit earlier than it did you. I had sailed along for 9 years and then hit a wall. There was a one year waiting list for any help so I found a counsellor. I decided to post on here the strategies that worked for me as I progressed through the year. (I hope the link works)
I hope that can be of some help.

I did eventually get the chance to jion a group session on CBT dealing with long term conditions, but at that time it was too much for me. Later (11 months) I was offered 1-1, and bingo the person I was assigned to had T1. I was well on my way to recovery by then and I was able to make more effective use of the ideas offered.

I hope that you start to feel better, and do come back to me if you want any clarification on the strategies I use.
Hi Flower thanks for your message.
i did try Libra briefly but I have apparently "smooth skin" so any time i sweat the microporous tape falls off and Libra fell out. The same thing happened with insulin pump, after 3 years jumping through hoops to get funding i got approved and had a trial and every time I sweated it fell out. I asked diabetic team of i could just use different tape and was told that with the cost being over £3000 the nhs wouldn't fund me if pump would just fall out.
I use a Libre, and I put a tegaderm over the top of these sensor, with a small hope cut in the Centre for the hole in the sensor to let out moisture. I am not sure whether that would stay on any better but I had had one fall out and did not want that to happen again.
Hi Jason, just wanted to say hello and sorry you are feeling this way. I hope you do find the forum useful; I’m always picking up tips which help me manage this thing a bit better.
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