diabetic dad has four kidneys & three pancreases

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If he is type 1 diabetic, what use does he have for 3 pancreas's, they will all be gubbed, no?

He must of had a hard time of it, whether self inflicted or not, when growing up to be in that state....
A friend had a kidney, then a kidney and pancreas. Her actual original kidneys are now causing recurrent infections so they are trying to decide whether to remove em or not.

Until then I always thought they actually replaced em in situ, so that was a revelation to me.

The transplants usually go in your tummy.
If he is type 1 diabetic, what use does he have for 3 pancreas's, they will all be gubbed, no?

He must of had a hard time of it, whether self inflicted or not, when growing up to be in that state....

I believe that a joint kidney-pancreas transplant is easier to perform than just a pancreas transplant 🙂 Preesumably they gave him a working one which may then have failed because his body 'rejected' it - this is why they are concentrating on stem cells, so that a person can receive their own cells and therefore not suffer with rejection problems or have to take anti-rejection drugs which can cause other problems. 🙂
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