Diabetic crash driver jailed

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A motorist who seriously injured a cyclist after slipping into a hypoglycaemic coma at the wheel has been jailed.

Diabetic Penny Mair, 42, ploughed into the 52-year-old, on Blackpool Road, Carleton, in April 2013.

He was left with multiple injuries, needed to learn to walk again and has since been left with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

After sentencing Mair to 16 months in jail at Preston Crown Court yesterday, Judge Heather Lloyd said a custodial sentence was necessary to act as a deterrent to other motorists who may risk lives while unfit to drive.

Judge Lloyd said: “It is fortunate the cyclist was not killed. This was an accident waiting to happen.”

Mair’s blood sugar levels were 1.5, whereas they should have been somewhere between six and eight.


She maintained she had checked her blood sugar levels before breakfast and before driving, but the judge said there was no evidence she had tested herself and no testing equipment was found in the car.

After reading this bit, all I can say is she got what she deserved 😡
It's because of idiots like her that all the rest of you have such fun renewing your licences regularly. And just because you have a long term medical condition it doesn't mean that you can be excused from common sense or consideration to others. We all know that of course but let's hope it does act as a deterrent to any others out there who don't!
So what's the bit about 3 hypos a week in 2006 got to do with her being hypo in 2013 pray?

I mean if they really mean 2013, then her licence wasn't valid in the first place and that means her insurance wasn't valid either, frankly.

Will the bloke actually get any compensation from them? Poor sod.
to be honest at 1.5 I am surprised she could drive at all as there is no way she could be making rational well thought out choices.
Well she obviously wasn't making rational choices, even if her BG was normal before she started - she doesn't sound particularly rational does she?

I expect no doctor had told her not to drive because she probably didn't bother telling them how often she went hypo, or seek the reasons for it.

If you really ARE that stupid - no amount of legislation about driving or anything else, or indeed punishment - will improve your intelligence !
Feel sorry for the poor Cyclist ! Her mother & who else in the car was not helping in any way :confused:
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