Diabetic complications


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Just wondering if this is a symptom of diabetic complications.

I feel sore all over getting up is agony doesn't happen all the time but is happening more frequently
Welcome @stu2607 🙂 How long have you had Type 1? I’m not a medical person but that sounds like it might be unrelated to the diabetes. Have you seen a GP? If not, I’d make an appointment to do so.

Silly question, but could it be related to your bed or mattress?

Just wondering if this is a symptom of diabetic complications.

I feel sore all over getting up is agony doesn't happen all the time but is happening more frequently
Have you had your vitamin B12 and vit D checked.
When you say "sore all over" how do you mean? Do you mean your skin is sore or your muscles are sore/stiff or perhaps it is your joints or even bones?.... I get terrible "bone ache" when I am overdue my HRT patch replaced. I am guessing from your username that you may be male rather than female so HRT is probably not relevant. I believe vitamin D deficiency can cause aching of your bones though, so it is perhaps worth taking some time to think about the actual source of the pain before you speak to a doctor. Is it a dull ache or a sharp pain or what I consider a fuzzy pinched nerve sort of feeling, Does it hurt only when you move or does it hurt just sitting still. Are some parts of your body consistently worse than others? Perhaps your back or ribs or feet or shins. Sometimes I get pains and they nag at me but it isn't until I actually stop to focus on them that I can start to work out what it actually might be from where the discomfort is and what it actually feels like. Does it ease off as you start to move your body. All over pain is really hard for a doctor to understand so the more info you can tell them about it and how it affects you will help them to know what tests they need to do to identify the cause and find the right treatment.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition and unfortunately having one puts us at higher risk of getting others. Rheumatoid Arthritis is autoimmune as is PolyMyalgia Rheumatica (PMR). They can both cause stiffness, soreness and pain. These are just two possible causes but I am sure there will be many more.
Er, blokes bodies produce hormones too funnily enough - just like we produce testosterone as well as oestrogen/progesterone - the important thing being to make sure they are all still properly in balance depending on shedloads of things which, not being an endocrinologist, I am not about to start listing suggestions for. Get thee to thy GP and tell him what you just told us, asap.
Sorry to hear about the pain and discomfort you have been feeling @stu2607 :(

How long have you been living with T1?

What sort of pain is it? Diabetes can lead to nerve damage, which can cause pain, tingling or burning sensations.