diabetic children and group picnics - aaargh

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
And breathe. Nightmare basically. I've got home feeling far more stressed than before we left (and anyone who's parent of 2 under 4s knows getting out of the house is bad enough haha!).

How do you cope? Lo is one and a half and I was practically glued to the pump while she snacked, I try not to let her keep grazing, but obviously it's near impossible, and having to keep a super vigilant eye on what she's getting her hands on. Then T who is 3 keeps saying can I have something else to eat or can I have a biscuit and I try to say no let's wait until we get home now because if she eats L will want to eat... aaargh. It was horrible. There were some nice bits but it wasn't something I want to do on a regular basis if it's going to be like that. Please help. It's summer!
ps - oh yes - of course the canula ended up coming off (first time ever) and I didn't have the insulin with me so we had to go home anyway. Then I couldn't find the open one, so am waiting for the one I just got out of the fridge to reach room temp - don't you get bubbles or something if it's straight from the fridge? Will have to put it on soon though...
Sounds fun Charlotte 😱
Give a shout for some of the Mum's with youngsters on a pump, I bet they have lots of tips for you.
As to the cannula coming out, it does happen. Don't worry about it. If I read this right you were going to change the cartridge as well?
Unless the cartridge is empty you do not need to change it at the same time.
I only fill my cartridge for 6 days of use so just change it every 2nd set change.
Things do get easier so be proud of yourself as to how well you coped today 🙂
There's is 18 months to the day between my two youngest so know exactly where you'll coming from LOL thankfully neither diabetic.

But it does get easier both with dealing with little ones and also the pump..

You are right that filling the cartridge with insulin from the fridge increases bubbles, but if you get caught out again just gentle rolle the vial between the palms of you hands, beings the temp up very quickly and easily..
Hi Charlotteking,

I am afraid this is 'normal' at a picnic. The only suggestion I could give you is to take a little bowl with you and put all Lola's food in there so you can carb count it. Or, you could just put in 30 carbs for example and just add up as you see her eating and then add on a 'square wave' to help with anything you may have misjudged. But as its not something you will be doing every day - then perhaps you could just bolus afterwards. I have used 'cold' insulin and it doesnt cause any more bubbles than usual - so wouldnt worry about that.🙂Bev
My daughter is 2 1/2 and diagnosed nearly a year ago. Had the pump since Sept. For occassions like this we have tended to set the bolus for 30/40 g carbs as this is very often her average, we keep an eye on what she is eating to make sure her intake is around that mark, then test her post meal BGs and correct any major discrepencies. It is really difficult to be accuate and you don't want them to miss out on normal activities. As with siblings, we find same problem with our 8 year old who needs reminding frequently not to mention certain foods at certain times so as not to set her younger sister off! ( just when you think you have things under control!)
Hiya Charlotte

I agree with the two mums who posted. Just guess an amount of carbs, ie 30 or 40 and put that in. If she grazes, then set it for a square wave over say an hour and sit back and see what happens. If you find she dives in for more, give a few more carbs. Remember on a pump you can mop up later, it is easier to do that when pumping than on injections.

Just relax (well try). These big things are few and far between so go with the flow and do what the numbers tell you. Don't carb count every little thing you will go barmy.

Good luck next time.
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