Diabetic and blind: My long-awaited pregnancy

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The waiting room buzzed with commotion.
Ross, my husband of six years, and I gripped hands. The nurse announced our names, and we paced toward the doctor's room after consulting a high-risk obstetrician about getting pregnant.
After months of discussing it, we decided to seek medical advice. I've been a Type 1 diabetic since I was 4 years old, I'm now 30, and any diabetic pregnancy is considered high-risk.

But I knew diabetic women who had successful pregnancies. Why should I be different?

Being different is the story of my life. I should have known better.

So with no good news, we left the doctor's office.

Two more doctors delivered the same blows. ?No. If you get pregnant, you, and possibly the child, could die.?

What parent gambles on those odds?

Ross and I moved on, but with renewed strength. But the longing for a baby seeped into every aspect of life.

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