Diabetic amyotrophy/proximal neuropathy

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have type 2 diabetes (diagnosed 16 years ago) and have now been diagnosed with amyotrophy or proximal neuropathy.
I knew about neuropathy in fingers and toes but this is something that I thought would only happen to someone else. I lost all strength in both legs and arms. My back is weak and I'm in constant pain (taking a cocktail of painkillers )
Is anyone else out there with the same condition?
Hi @Suzequeue1612 once again welcome to the forum 🙂.

I`m sorry you are experiencing amyotrophy, not nice, although common. Hands, knees and bumpsydaises comes to mind but mainly hips and lower limbs, which may stem from a problem with the back. Lots of tablets in fact too many 32 daily at the moment but if needs must. May I refer you to your post. {I'm not sure if I am allowed to say this but as it now been legalised, I use CBD oil as a spray that you squirt under your tongue 3 times per day. I swear by it. I have been in so much pain for the last 2 years, I tried it as a last resort. It works, it really does!! I know a lot of people are dubious and reluctant about using cannabis extracts but do the research on the Internet and form your own opinion. I thoroughly recommend it 🙂.} Please take note of @mikeyB response.
Hi @Suzequeue1612 once again welcome to the forum 🙂.

I`m sorry you are experiencing amyotrophy, not nice, although common. Hands, knees and bumpsydaises comes to mind but mainly hips and lower limbs, which may stem from a problem with the back. Lots of tablets in fact too many 32 daily at the moment but if needs must.
Hi Ted, love your analogy 'hands, knees and bumpsydaisies' Can I use this on my status?
It describes me perfectly.
Just counted my meds and I only have 19 per day so I think I'm doing ok, lol
Suze 19 a day, lightweight :D. Just keep control of your BGLs, take care.
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