Diabetic-alert dog lets family sleep through the night (USA)

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Philip Mullins didn?t used to be a dog lover, but he?s had a change of heart.

That?s because of Rex ? a chocolate Labrador retriever who came into his family?s life in April. The puppy can do what no machine can ? detect blood-sugar changes in his young diabetic sons before they happen.

Rex cost $20,000, but is worth every cent, the Durham attorney says.

Mullins was a skeptic at first. He wasn?t convinced that a dog could detect dangerous drops and spikes in blood sugar and alert people to the problem. And he wasn?t keen on spending enough money to buy a mid-size car on a puppy that hadn?t been housebroken and didn?t generate an income.

But those days are over.

Now, Mullins is a true believer. He?s seen with his own eyes what 5-month-old Rex can do, and how he literally can be a lifesaver.

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