Diabetic advice appreciated

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Good evening everyone.

I am looking for some advice and hope it is okay to post here?

The last few months or so I have noticed I m urinating more especially throughout the night. I am constantly tired (to the point I would happily sleep all day if it weren't for work). My urine literally smells like chocolate or sugar puffs (not all the time) I also suffer blurred vision at times.
I checked my blood sugars with a monitor I bought and they were normal range.

The last thing I want is to take up a GPs time but someone today asked if I was diabetic and it got me thinking.

Are these typical symptoms? Is it worth a gp visit?
Yes, sounds like it could be diabetes. I'd get checked out.
When did you test your blood sugar? After eating or before? How long after eating, and what did you eat? What figure did you get?
Can't say my pee smelt of anything, but then i wasn't tired either....
Yes, sounds like it could be diabetes. I'd get checked out.
When did you test your blood sugar? After eating or before? How long after eating, and what did you eat? What figure did you get?
Can't say my pee smelt of anything, but then i wasn't tired either....
I ate a pie and some beans and tested 40 mins later and it was 7.8 mmol
Try testing 2 hours later, and maybe 3.

7.8 isn't particularly high - to get the symptoms of excessive peeing it'd have to be up into double figures and probably stay at that level for some time.

40 minutes is a little early, though, as it may not have reached its peak, or it may be going higher and not coming down. I've had meals that peak at 2 hours after a slow rise. Yet others peak in an hour.

By 3 hours it should be fairly close to pre-meal levels.

Have you tried testing when you need to pee in the night to see if levels are high?
I ate a pie and some beans and tested 40 mins later and it was 7.8 mmol

That’s a normal blood sugar, but you need to test before your meal and again 2hrs after the start of your meal not 40 mins.

Lots of conditions can cause tiredness. The frequent urination could be hormonal. I’d see a doctor for some general checks to see if they can find the cause, eg anaemia, thyroid, HbA1C, which is the diagnostic test for diabetes. Like @Tdm my urine didn’t smell of anything at diagnosis and my blood sugar was very high. Yeast infections and UTIs can cause funny smelling urine, as can hormonal changes.
Thanks everyone. I think I was thinking diabetes as around 6 years ago I was told I had prediabetes. Due to circumstances I haven't altered my lifestyle .
Thanks everyone. I think I was thinking diabetes as around 6 years ago I was told I had prediabetes. Due to circumstances I haven't altered my lifestyle .

Ok, so ask for another HBA1C test to check. I’d also get them to do as many other tests as they’d agree to to save you traipsing back and forth if your HbA1C comes back ok. Let us know how you get on.
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