diabetes you cant see

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
diabetes why cant you be a visible illness

while in tesco today i took a hypo at the self service checkout and the till wanted assistance every time i scanned my my items which didnt help me any and the assistance was not very helpful i nearly abandoned my shopping as i had enough to top it off all the seats was taken up by old foggies and took offence when i asked if i could have a seat one turned around and said " that a young thing like me shouldnt need a seat!!!! and grumbling what else i do not know:mad

i ended up saying i was a diabetic and taking a hypo i was shaking white and the sweat was pouring off me and downing lucozade and when i got up to leave not quite recovered the same person turned and said" can you beleve the cheek cant be much of a hypo" needless to say i was too tired to responed ...i must have still been bad when i got on the bus as the driver asked if i was ok..😱

peeved off as i felt i shouldnt have to explain myself to strangers every time i have to have a seat....
wow sorry to here you suffered a hypo when shoppin hope your ok now.... there are so many ppl out there that dont understand diabetes and most think you are just puttin it all on... good job I wasnt on the bus I would have prob got kicked off if i heard what she had said to you TC..(BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP) lol If its 1 thing I hate and it ppl who dont know what they are talkin about but it will never change until they get it themselves..

Anyway hope your feelin better now
I hope you feel better. SOunds like you had a pretty tough time of it.

Not sure if diabetes being a hidden illness/disability/long term medical condition is good or not. It is horrible having to expalin to strangers why we need to have a sweet drink or jelly babies or whatever in the supermarket before we have paid.
feeling better thanks just was a bit peeved as weird as it was trying to explain why you need something while on hypo mode is not a lot of fun when you have someone like that
Poor you Topcat! I really sympathise, its horrible having to explain diabetes to strangers at the best of times, let alone while you are having a hypo. I was in a meeting at work recently and felt my bs falling as the meeting was coming to a close, and I was just willing myself to hold it together long enough to get out of there so I could have some glucose without having to explain myself! although I was probably acting a bit oddly and had a very sweaty handshake, so they must have thought something was up with me!
I don't want to imply that all older people are like this, but you'll see very similar debates with observations from young disabled people using Blue Badges, due to mobility problems, who are criticised by older people. eg http://www.bbc.co.uk/ouch/messageboards/
Thanks for kindness from bus drivers etc.
Older people are like that. I've had nasty comments for sitting in the disabled seats on the bus, when they are clearly better on their feet than I am (pelvis problems, mean I sometimes need crutches). My sister has a slipped disc and nerve damage from it, is on sticks now, and went to sit in the disabled seats and there was a young lady in them with her shopping on one of the seats, who refused to move, and turned and stared out of the window when she asked to move her shopping.

Let's face it - most people care about themselves first. When I was a kid (LOL @ me sounding ancient), we'd get up to move for older people or disabled people. My 80-odd year old nanna would move for a disabled person. Now - if you're old, you're free to have no manners.

Actually sounds quite fun...
God that sounds like a bad hypo...........

When I have had bad ones like that I honestly dont care about anything or anyone but myself until I can feel myself coming out of it......

Hope it doesnt happen again, or realistically, in such a public place............
LISALQ i like that one ha ha what is an acceptable age that i can start being rude to people and dont give a s...t im 38 now.... tho i dont think im that type of person too much worrying :D
Older people are like that. .

Do you think that you could qualify that, I object to being lumped in as a group of grumpy people just because of my age. Unless you have done a lot of research I think you will find that only SOME older people are like that, so are some YOUNGER people and some middle-aged people.

Come to think of it some Diabetics can get quite rude or grumpy.
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