Diabetes & Ulcerative Colitis

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all, am new to this, diagnosed in May as type 2 and now on insulin 3 times a day as my body doesn't seem to want to work properly, anyway i have suffered with Ulcerative Colitis for 14 yrs and 14 yrs of steroids is how i ended up diabetic and was wondering if anyone else has a bowel condition as finding it so hard when i'm having a bad pain day as my blood sugar shoots up to the 30's and i end up in casualty on a drip!
I am also asthmatic and have benign joint hypermobility syndrome and athritis and it sucks! And docs are so rude if they don't know you and assume because i'm 35 and type 2 it's because and i quote 'oh your very fat then'!
So anyone out there who can give me some advice or just to talk to would be great
Hi all, am new to this, diagnosed in May as type 2 and now on insulin 3 times a day as my body doesn't seem to want to work properly, anyway i have suffered with Ulcerative Colitis for 14 yrs and 14 yrs of steroids is how i ended up diabetic and was wondering if anyone else has a bowel condition as finding it so hard when i'm having a bad pain day as my blood sugar shoots up to the 30's and i end up in casualty on a drip!
I am also asthmatic and have benign joint hypermobility syndrome and athritis and it sucks! And docs are so rude if they don't know you and assume because i'm 35 and type 2 it's because and i quote 'oh your very fat then'!
So anyone out there who can give me some advice or just to talk to would be great
Hi Allison, you sound as though you have been through the mill, poor you i haven't got a bowel condition but i do suffer with arthritis & its definately not nice, do you take any medication for yours ? i've got to go to hospital tomorrow to see how things are going so hopefully things will go ok. For years i had no health problems (well i had'nt as far as i knew i thought i was quite healthy) but how wrong i was as soon as i hit 42 (i'm 49 now) things started to go down hill i was diagnosed with t2 diabetes and just last may i found out about my arthritis, i will soon rattle with pills i'm not on insulin yet but was told that i will end up on it as i'm taking the highest amount of metformin that i can and i also take 1/2 a gliclazide each day too, but i'm not letting it worry me (too much!)
I'm sure you will soon get sorted out, diabetes is not a nice condition to have as i'm sure everyone in this forum would agree but, its something we have got to live with and its so nice to know theres others here that know and care about what we all have to live with every day and we can support each other. lynn x

Thanks for your reply, i have noticed a lot of people talk about grieving and i think that's one of my problems, i am still on a why me line, UC is bad enough but now diabetes which is torment cause i am allergic to so much food anyway and now this when i am allergic to aspartamine, and the pain i am in all the time is now pushing my sugar up and i just cry all the time and feel so alone and unlike my UC which if it gets any worse they can operate there is no cure for this so i am not coping at all, but thank you for the kind words
Do the pain days come on gradually or do you find yourself normal blood sugars then pain and blood suagrs increase suddenly? Just trying to get an idea as you may be able to adjust your insulin so you don't have to to end up with levels of 30. Have you been taught how to correct high blood suagars and when you do/don't need to go to A&E?

It depends tbh, some days i have a perfectly normal day with my bs at around 8 at all 4 times i test, then a day of agony with severe cramps that come on all the time, sometimes it is a dull pain all day others i can be sitting there and get a searing pain and woosh i'm up at 30, i am on novomix in the morning and teatime but a normal short acting one at lunch just to help the long acting one work better before teatime so not sure how to cope with the pain problem plus am on steriods too
I would imagine you are on novorapid for the lunchtime injection. correcting a high blood sugar invovles taking a certain amount of fast acting insulin (novorapid) to bring the blood sugar down.

for me 1 unit of novorapid will drop my blood sugar 5 mmol/ so if i was 30 and wanted to get back to 5 then I would take 5 units.
or if I was 10mmol before a meal I work take 1 unit extra to drop me down to 5mmol.

everyone is different though and their correction factor (insulin sensitivity factor) will be different. So you need to work it out for yourself, with the help of your DSN. It's a way of bringing down high blood sugars without needing to go to A&E. (unless the high blood sugars are with high ketones also).

maybe speaking to your GP or nurse may help as you are finding it hard to deal with everythign at the moment. Hope that being able to talk to others with diabetes on here will help.
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