Diabetes UK

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I have today received my invitation to renew my subscription to Diabetes UK and don't think I'll bother. I am less than excited about the Balance magazine, preferring "Sweet" which I have found more relevant - does anybody know of a good reason why I should part with yet more money to this organisation ?
Faith, I feel the same way! I did renew last month, but now wishing I hadn't bothered and given the money to JDRF instead. Balance doesn't really have anything in it of interest to me - apart from a rich vein of material for anti-nurse poetry! - so have been think ing I would be better off getting Sweet.

I have been pretty disappointed with DUK - recently I was unable to sign in to their 'supporters' area due to terrible web page design and errors, so what am I actually getting?

The only way they give anything back to me is by funding the hosting of this forum.
I'm sure someone can come up with ?22 a year for that.
So if we don't fund them (i.e. by subscriptions) they won't let the Forum go on do you mean ?

No, what I meant to say was that beyond the existence of this forum (which is free to non-subscribers) there doesn't appear to be anything of direct or 'added' value to me personally that a subscription provides. Just as I can read the majority of their web pages without subscribing, so what incentive is there for me to continue paying my dues? I shouldn't feel disappointed with a charity I support, I should feel happy to do so and valued. I also happen to support Sightsavers, and have done for years, and they make me feel very valued with regular newsletters and emails about their work and the difference it is making to thousands of lives - I don't actually receive anything of the kind from DUK!
Just a short point, gathering my thoughts for a full one later!

Do you receive Research Matters by DUK I think it's a bi-annual publication, received mine the other day, haven't read it yet.
Just a short point, gathering my thoughts for a full one later!

Do you receive Research Matters by DUK I think it's a bi-annual publication, received mine the other day, haven't read it yet.

Nope! Just a letter asking me to die and leave them all my money...😱🙄
I have today received my invitation to renew my subscription to Diabetes UK and don't think I'll bother. I am less than excited about the Balance magazine, preferring "Sweet" which I have found more relevant - does anybody know of a good reason why I should part with yet more money to this organisation ?

not yet But yesterday I had a phone call from DUK to see if I i could give to help some reearch on a on going bases.
My renewal is by direct debit in about April ish. I have cancelled my direct debit. I find I flick through the magazine, read some of the letters page and put it down and forget about it.

Whereas Sweet I actually read. They have a family area which is great and informative (even though there seems to always be one of my many friends from the email group appearing which is lovely).

I give to JDRF and get more stuff from them, it is much better. I also run a charity for Jessica's proper condition so I give to that as well.

DUK aren't getting my money anymore. They have had enough of it and I'm not rich by any means. 😎
Don't bite my head off please.

I know it's a fair amount of money to part with and everyone has to cut their cloth accordingly. For me the quality of DUK's publications is not a reasoning for not renewing my subscription, surely they do a hell of a lot more than write the articles in Balance. As such I would support them almost no matter, I have (& hate) this condition/disease for life (probably!) and I am slightly happier knowing that I am supporting them a little bit, so that if any advances happen I will be kept in touch, if I needed any help I could get in touch with someone(maybe not as successfully as I would hope). A lot of you probably know more than I do about what they do and where their money is going, like the comment about how they spent money on a part of their website which isn't very beneficial, well lots of misjudged decisions are made my lots of large organisations, how on earth can DUK be any better? Are some of you expecting the master piece of journalism? And if you did then another part of the community may feel differently. Just wondering if you are being a bit harsh, also can you really be offended if they write asking for money? They are a charity and you have to date shown support surely they have a right to ask, as much as you have the write to decide no thanks and put the letter in the recycling? direct mailing like that is surely more successful than any other sort hence why they do it (I actually have no proof of that by the way!)

Just my thoughts, each to their own.

Peace out.

Hi Rossi, I think what you have just said is why I am tending more in favour of JDRF. They are actively seeking a cure for MY condition, which is Type 1 diabetes. DUK is more concerned with Type 2, due to the overwhelming number of its members being of that ilk. I think I overlooked JDRF originally after diagnosis as I thought it was only for children (the 'Juvenile' bit hardly applies to a 50 year old!).

I've nothing agianst DUK per se, just as you say need ot direct my very limited funds towards a cause closer to home. JDRF are also a huge charity, but on the face of it present themselves more transparently to their supporters.
Sorry I seem to have opened a real can of worms by asking about the subscription to DUK. Mea Culpa !
Sorry I seem to have opened a real can of worms by asking about the subscription to DUK. Mea Culpa !

It's OK Faith, I was having a gripe about them just the other day because I couldn't log into their site (again!).

By the way, in my earlier post I wasn't saying I didn't want to support Type 2s, just that you have to choose the charity that you are happier with - I know a lot of people are very happy with DUK, I'm just not one of them!
If I were to join DUK, I think I'd do it as a professional, rather than as someone with diabtes - I am both type 1 and work in diabetes research. But in general, I prefer to support a variety of charitable causes, byt direct debit to save the charities' costs and so they can claim tax relief from UK government.
Rossi, have you ever checked out Second Life? If not, look it up. DUK spent ?10,000 (is that correct VBH?? :D) on putting a VIRTUAL office in there. That's right... virtual. Worrying stuff. I want a refund 😉

But seriously, I'm sure i'll donate in future by doing a run or something, right after ive done one for JDRF... but I dont want their magazine anymore, it just isn't very helpful.
Dear All,
I too feel that DUK has little or no relevence to my condition. I don't agree with their view regarding diet and have tried, on numerous occasions, to get them to at least acknowledge that a "controlled carbohydrate" approach should be offered along side their current offering. I have sent many letters to them and even a short paper but they will not respond or engage me in a dialogue about my viewpoint. In fact I made such a nuisance of myself, the only person who I am supposed to contact is Douglas Smallwood. However, when I was first diagnosed I thought that they were a worthwhile organisation and I joined as a life member, so there is little point in my resigning - not least because I will keep pestering them until they acknowledge my viewpoint. So, Faith, if I were you, I would jack it in!

Regards Dodger
I've become very disillusioned with Diabetes UK and because of that I cancelled my direct debit last month.
I think my comments on other threads sums up DUK in my eyes.

They are a waste of money and deliver to their 'subscribers' very little in real value.
When I was diagnosed this time last year I thought Diabetes UK was the only diabetes link. I've since learned differently and also that a lot of their advice isn't best for some/most of us whether type 1 or 2.

As I subscribe to other charities on a regular basis so far as I am able, I therefore don't feel guilty about leaving Diabetes UK and I shan't miss their magazine at all.

I am grateful to those who responded to my thread, which has helped me feel that I am not alone in being disillusioned in DUK.
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