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diabetes uk


Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi ,

i have just joined diabetes uk, has anyone ever bought anything of there ? im abit weary just now so wanted to know if anyone had , im after a book on there all about t2
Bought quite a lot of stuff at Christmas. All was OK
They're a great bunch of people, both on their support desk, sales and their PR people.

I've ordered before and everything arrives in tip-top condition and their books and information sheets are excellent, only thing I'd steer clear of is the Worrel whats his name book, the recipes are too fussy for my taste. The other recipe books are first class, real food adapted for diabetics!
Well i will go ahead and order tomorrow then suppose i wont know unless i buy

cheers guys
Hi Steff

I have bought from Diabetes UK on a semi-regular basis and never had any problems.

If you are not sure that the books are exactly what you want try looking in your local library first, they can always order them in if they don't currently have them.
hi Mo

yes thats good idea i never thought of that , thanks
I had stuff from diabetesuuk and it was brilliant. I agree look in local library for books to check before you buy. If the library doesn't have the book then most of them can get it for you.

I gave diaries to everyone Christmas 2007 and got one for myself for 2009 and find it very usefull.

Until you try something, you don't know so give it a try. I think you'll be pleasently surprised...
If you have either a Borders or Waterstones locally then I found quite a few Diabetes UK books there that I could browse through before I ordered them. Can be easier than getting to a library for some

Like Einstein, I'd steer clear of the Worrell Thompson ones - rather "chef-y" for day-to-day use. I've been given both and I've never made anything from either. My copy of Sheila Bowling's "Everyday Diabetic Cookbook" is very well used
vanessa i got waterstones in town i will go in there today while im buying my foot cream lol, by eck i got busy day today :D yes a few peopel have said dont go near worrell thomson guy im just looking for more tips advice at moment rather then recipies .
I have the Worrell Thompson and quite like it. It depends on what you like to cook and how much messing about you want to do. In our house I am the one who makes sauce from scrtach because it tastes better than the packet stuff. I think it's all down to personal taste and you need to gind something you feel comfortable with.
Steff, if you've time and they've got it in, have a look at in Hanas and Fox's book "Type 2 diabetes for adults of all ages" for general information on diabetes too. Published last year - I found it very helpful

Enjoy the browse and the shop!