Diabetes UK steps up Insulin pump campaign

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Copy of an article in Saturday Oct 1st edition of the Evening Times (Glasgow)
By Frazer Hughes

Sorry if i've posted this in the wrong section.

A Diabetes Charity is upping the pressure on the Scottish Government to make insulin pumps more widely available.
Diabetes UK Scotland has lodged a petition with the Scottish Parliament's Petitions Committe in a bid to gain wide support for its campaign.
It is asking the Scottish Government to finally resolve the issue of the low provision of insulin pumps across Scotland.
The charity belives this is an important step to lowering the risk of thousands of people with type 1 diabetes from developing future complications.
According to the charity, access to insulin pumps in Scotland remains low with dramatic differences accross the country.
Health boards such as Tayside, Fife, Lothian and Boarders are progressing well with their insulin pump services and are now supporting five times the rate compared to Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lanarkshire and Ayrshire and Arran Health Boards.
The result of this inequality, says Diabetes UK, is that thousands of people living outside of the east of Scotland face a future with poorly controlled diabetes and an increased risk of complications such as blindness, amputations and kidney disease.
Jane-Claire Judson, national director of Diabetes UK Scotland, said: "This petition is all about improving the choices of treatment available to people with difficult-to-control Type 1 diabetes. With the support of as many people behind the petition we will be further forward in ensuring that no matter where people live they will receive the optimal diabetes care possible."
The petition is expected to have its first consideration by the Public Petitions Committee on November 1.
Support the petition on-line at:

If nobody has any objections, I would like to post further news and updates from Scottish newpapers when I come across them 🙂

...If nobody has any objections, I would like to post further news and updates from Scottish newpapers when I come across them 🙂


Thanks for this Bob. I try to post things when I find them, but not everything comes up on my searches, so anything you find would be welcome. If the article exists online, then please quote a paragraph or two and then include the link to the article, otherwise we fall foul of copyright rules.
Thanks Northerner. I checked but the article wasn't available online. There has been quite a bit of news about diabetes in the papers up here of late (not all of it good) So I'll link on-line articles as often as I come across them. Cheers for the info.😉
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